how do you like this letter? i might use it myself


New Member
How much is an employee that doesn't make enough to make ends meet supposed to care about the company they work for?

I've worked for companies that expected me to come in early and work off the clock. They wanted us in 30 minutes before they started paying every day. Fuck that, I refused to do it. It's not about loyalty, it's about surviving.

I don't live to work, I work to live.


Well-Known Member
I own a large mobile home park. I have yet to lose a tenant because of the poor economy. The only people I have that can't pay their rent are the people with $100.00 plus cable bills, high speed internet, 6 cases of beer every week, a $250.00 a month cigarette habit, oz. of pot every week, a new tatoo every time I look at them, car payments, 4 dogs and 6 cats to feed, three kids that they don't tend to and another one on the way. The list goes on and on and on and on. I deal with so much stupidity and ignorance. Those are the ones I will not work with. I have no problem handing these people their eviction notice and sending them down the road no matter how many kids they have. People don't have their priorities right and that has become the American way. I had a low paying job for many years. I didn't spit out a bunch of babies, I didn't have a telephone or cell phone bill, I didn't have cable or car payments, etc, etc. I saved my money. I worked every minute of overtime I could get my hands on and I worked hard. I know exactly how the author of this letter feels. I'm just one step ahead of him. I've already bought a house in the caribbean in preparation for what I think is about to happen. For months now I've been getting money out of this country a little at a time. You can take $10,000.00 cash at a time. Everytime my boyfriend and I go down we take $20,000.00. We'll be leaving This coming week to do it again. I know I am in a lot better position than 95% of our population. I also know that I earned it. Looking back on the last 30 years.... I'm glad I didn't get all wrapped up in "The American Dream".
Unlike you Miss, I lived to work- to someday be in the position that I am now in. I Don't live in a fancy house, I drive a toyota pick-up truck (no payments), I don't have a credit card bill, as a matter of fact I don't have any personal bills other than my blue cross/blue shield insurance. The only extravagances in my life is the 1931 Model A Roadster pick-up that I drive for fun, my new deering banjo I pick, my marijuana growing equipment and my (safe haven) house in the West Indies. All Paid for. I am 46 years old. I can't answer your questions about making ends meet, I never had a bunch of ends that I had to make meet. I never lived beyond my means. I was born and raised very poor and I never started living like I had a bunch of money. I never will. I have no jewelry. I don't have a shopping addiction like most women and I don't spend tons of money on make-up and cosmetic surgeries. I never spent time standing in front of a mirror trying to impress people. I spent all my time working and saving. I am also one of those people that knows that money can't buy some things but it damn sure makes life good and more stress free.
I still spend most of my time working. I enjoy it, it brings me a sense of pride. I do all of my own remodeling, mowing, plumbing, electrical, most of my heating and air. I would say that I do the work of three men. I could hire people to take care of my park. Then alot of my income would go to them, they would not take care of things the way I do. The value of my park would go down. It would start looking like a ragged out trailer park like it did when I bought it. All the good tenants I have acquired would start moving out. There is a lot more to making a business work than meets the eye. Put my business in the hands of an average american employee!!!Over my dead cold rotten body!
How are you suppossed to feel about a company that requires more of you than you are willing to give? I can't answer that either, I always gave much much more than was expected. ( I was always surrounded by typical american employees that were trying their dam best to ruin the company, I was always in fear that my company would close the doors and move to China).Call China maybe you can get answers from employees there about how they feel about their companies and their jobs.
The average American employee. They still don't get it. They never will but it don't matter now because it's too late.
I have found this website very helpful in the matter of growing good weed. I check in just to keep up I don't post much, I don't have the time. I enjoy watching the politic forum but every now and then I read something that really pisses me off.


New Member
Do you expect your employees to work for free? If they refuse do you tell them they aren't "loyal"?

My life isn't all about busting my ass so someone else can pay me the least amount they can get away with paying while living high off the hog. MY life is about my family and spending time with them, making sure they are well taken care of.

I own my home, we make our house payments. I didn't spit out a bunch of kids either I have 2 and they're both over the age of 18. I don't drink, haven't drank in years. I have zero credit card debt because I have zero credit cards. We've always believed that unless we can pay cash, we don't need it, aside from buying our house and our car, which we've had for 10 years, 5 of those it's been paid off. Why buy a new one when I can drive this one until it dies? I don't pay for cosmetic surgeries either, nor do I wear makeup. I'm growing more of my own food this year and canning it, rather than buying processed foods that are unhealthy.

I guess you don't know me as well as you think you do.


New Member
Geeze, an on line cat fight. I can see both of your sides of the "arguement" and as far as I can tell, with few minor exceptions, you're both right. It is unreasonable of employers to demand employees work without compensation, and it is also unreasonable of employees to try and undermine the company. A days pay for a days work as I always like to say. Taking money out of the country to stash for ones retirement may help the individual, but won't help anyone in this country. It reminds me of carpetbaggers, they will make money off the environment where they are living and then run away to a hideout to retire. selfish, selfish, selfish. I guess I'm kind of envious.


Well-Known Member
Missy, light one up and unwad your panties! I wasn't directing anything towards you personally. I'm glad that you own the home you are making payments on. I'm sure you are a good mom and I admire you for that. Growing your own food and canning, that's wonderful! It sounds to me like you were working for a bad company. I hardly think there were that many companies that expected their employees to work for free. I don't want employees to start with. Most of them won't work for money. To think anyone would work for free is kind of silly. It don't matter now anyway, most of them are in other countries employing people who are thankful to have a low paying job. Missy, we just have different views and values and there is nothing wrong with that. I had a rough childhood and was forced to live on the streets just before I turned 16. I worked at a fast food place and slept in the back of my Vega hatchback. I went to school everyday. When I turned 17 I got my first factory job. When you are a kid and you have nobody except yourself to provide your next meal I guess that would make one kind of "work orientated". The value of a job (any job) was instilled in me a a young age. I can't change that and personally I wouldn't want to. It's o.k. for me to spend alot of time working and it's o.k if you want to spend your time on rollitup. Just think, by this time next year you'll have over 20,000 post.


Well-Known Member
Oh, no, it's reality Miss.

Let me assure you that if I had spent the last 20 years of my life building a business up from the ground, and I got to the point where it was successful, and I heard about Obama. I'd probably be closing shop right now, and taking the money and running.

Running to some nice Caribbean Island Nation where the bankers don't ask questions, and where it's possible to become anonymous. Anonymous so no cock suckers from the government could try bothering me, ever again.
Brutal Truth you took the thoughts right out of my head.


Well-Known Member
I read it once and that was enough. Just because that guy was a compulsive disfunctioning asshole and locked himself in his business day and night has no bearing on my desire to be part of the human race. I say go, get the fuck out. Outside of the employment he provided, he won't be missed by a single person. he was a disfunctioning compulsive asshole. Good riddance. When Money becomes the driving force of ones life, one is ruined as a human being. Get the fuck out, adios motherfucker. I really hate to see you go Vi, Not!

"Outside of the employment he provided, he won't be missed by a single person" Jesus Christ! This is exactly the "American attitude" by most (not all) that helped to send our companies overseas.

And they all sit around on their computers blaming the government for 100% of our countries problems totally unwilling to accept any of the blame. When the small business man is forced out, there will be nobody left to make sure you get your measly social security check every month. How will you pay your internet bill? At the rate we're going Med, you might not reach your life goal of 20,000 posts on rollitup.


Well-Known Member
Geeze, an on line cat fight. I can see both of your sides of the "arguement" and as far as I can tell, with few minor exceptions, you're both right. It is unreasonable of employers to demand employees work without compensation, and it is also unreasonable of employees to try and undermine the company. A days pay for a days work as I always like to say. Taking money out of the country to stash for ones retirement may help the individual, but won't help anyone in this country. It reminds me of carpetbaggers, they will make money off the environment where they are living and then run away to a hideout to retire. selfish, selfish, selfish. I guess I'm kind of envious.
We didn't buy a house in the West Indies to retire. It was bought as a better and safer place to be when shit hits the fan. I would rather stay here. I finally have the life I always dreamed of and worked for. I have a wonderful partner and a prosperous business, a good balanced life that should make anybody happy. It's just like the guy that wrote the letter said "You see, I'm done. I'm done with a country that penalizes the productive and gives to the unproductive". America the "land of opportunity?" I'm going to do exactly what I have to do to survive and hopefully enjoy what I have worked for. If this makes me selfish than so be it. Life only happens once, this ain't no practice run.


Well-Known Member
Waahhh! That puts the petty in petit bourgeois.

It's too bad that the author of the (likely fictional) letter wasted his life in the pursuit of a lie, the notion that more than a tiny percentage of the population will ever be wealthy, and the majority of them worked no harder than surviving childbirth, like the Kennedys and Bushes.
They could have chosen honest work rather than trying to enrich themselves through other people's labor.
It's no different to me than when the local cocaine entrepreneurs shoot each other in the street. It's a shame, but they believed the same big lie.


Well-Known Member
Working and middle-class right-wingers remind me of house slaves who think that if they work hard, shuffle and smile a lot, and put their nose where Massa likes it Massa will give them a plantation. When they don't get their own plantation, they blame the 'uppity' slaves in the field.


Well-Known Member
Working and middle-class right-wingers remind me of house slaves who think that if they work hard, shuffle and smile a lot, and put their nose where Massa likes it Massa will give them a plantation. When they don't get their own plantation, they blame the 'uppity' slaves in the field.
At least the right-wingers don't expect us to share the plantation when we finally get it, at least they don't justify the totally amoral behavior of trying to justify stealing the plantation from others.

Interesting word, no?

Amoral - With out morals.

As opposed to Immoral - contrary to morals.

The left are amoral, not immoral, which is why the fail to understand the concept of theft being wrong. Why they seek to justify letting murderers off with a slap on the wrist and defend abortion. Why they see no problem with empowering government to do something that they wouldn't be able to do for themselves.

It's not that they are immoral. It's that they are amoral. Totally with out any moral scruples what so ever.


Well-Known Member
I'm amoral, but not a leftist. I see no problem with trying to take the plantation, it beats slavery (pun intended). Morality is for the superstitious. It's no good or evil to me, it's smart or stupid.
It sounds like being moral places a higher premium on property than human life.
Capitalism (besides non-existent) is to paraphrase Hobbes "the war of all against all". Profit is theft. Stealing labor power is at least as bad as stealing property. The liberal, progressive left has no monopoly on lionizing murderers, they just don't put the ones in uniform up on a pedestal. I don't really like the idea of shop-vaccing unborn children any more than I do dropping fire on their heads.


Well-Known Member
I'm amoral, but not a leftist. I see no problem with trying to take the plantation, it beats slavery (pun intended). Morality is for the superstitious. It's no good or evil to me, it's smart or stupid.
It sounds like being moral places a higher premium on property than human life.
Capitalism (besides non-existent) is to paraphrase Hobbes "the war of all against all". Profit is theft. Stealing labor power is at least as bad as stealing property. The liberal, progressive left has no monopoly on lionizing murderers, they just don't put the ones in uniform up on a pedestal. I don't really like the idea of shop-vaccing unborn children any more than I do dropping fire on their heads.
Profit isn't theft. If you have a problem paying $3 for gas or $4 for gas, then you have a simple fucking solution.


If that means that you need to reduce your commute, then that's you're problem, because refusing to, just means that you're still not exercising your freedom to leave your employer.

Ironically, the most powerful thing in everyone's wallet is either the cash, or representatives of cash.

(Contrary to the belief of the left, which thinks their CPUSA cards are the most powerful things in their wallet, or maybe they believe that it's the card that shows that they are indeed authorized to be out of the psychiatry ward.)


Well-Known Member
I don't drive so I don't buy gas (directly), but I'm not some loon who think that the goods I use just materialize, and that everything is plastic. I'm poor and don't believe that I have much buying power anyway.

Agree with you about the dinosaur left. They are like post-Civil War reenactors. Too bad they don't wear 19th century "proletarian" outfits.