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  1. O

    demon seeds

    thanks fella's for the positive comments on the possible fecundity of my seeds. the seed actually looks better in the pic than it is in the real. it's about half the size of the other same type and doesn't even have the hard outer shell that is normal. it is rather undeveloped and wan. it is...
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    demon seeds

    hey all, i have used "demon seeds" for a while now but am disappointed in my last purchase. a seed bank is only as good as it's last order. have a squizz at these big bud x white widow seeds from demon... i was shocked to receive such a small green seed for the premium price i paid. one seed is...
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    a digital ballast that works with cmh bulbs

    dunno if this link has been posted but here is a didital ballast that runs cmh bulbs.
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    super leafing

    lol, in australia, rooting means having sex. i'm up for it if you'll play your usual role of the girl! i see no need to contribute here again... apparently everything is already known and really, growing dope is just not that hard. common sense rather that over intensification works well...
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    super leafing

    no worries, i know what it is mate. growing for 35 years, i reckon i might have picked up a few things. it was just an experiment! as stated i am a leaf plucker and will continue to be so. a leaf in the way... bye bye. i do tie down branches, you may see the wire i use in the pics. it is tie...
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    super leafing

    hey all, this is my first grow related post... hello! recently been reading about various cultivation methods on this site. i'm a long time leaf plucker but i'm not here to debate that worn out subject. the opposing views expressed here regarding this subject show quite a bit of dissention amid...
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    Firearms Freindly Collective?

    hey all, well it appears that we'll have to live with and accept each others opposing positions on gun control measures or lack of control measures. we could go around in circles forever on this one. my last comment on this would have to be: i think the proposals forwarded for gun control in...
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    Firearms Freindly Collective?

    good day all, prodigal, i am very happy to say that "no, i don't get it" and hope i never will. it is an evident truth in many countries including mine that your extreme gun ownership laws and use of weapons is completely unnecessary. we live happily and mostly peacefully without a closet full...
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    Firearms Freindly Collective?

    good day all, you say grace and amen and yet thoroughly ignore the ten commandments (in particular "thou shalt not kill") the devil will have you for breakfast! from a country that has 6 times the people killed on 9/11 murdered every year, i find your views perplexing and sickening. since 2001...
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    Firearms Freindly Collective?

    hello all, i live on 320 acres. using your way i would've killed all the cheeky buggers who stray on my land for picking mushrooms. invasive and rude as trespass is, i have never once felt the need to run home and get my dick extension loaded up to kill. where i come it's considered wrong to...
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    Firearms Freindly Collective?

    hey everybody, good day to you all. colonuggs, what a terrible thing to know that people like you are out on the loose. my only compensation is i live many thousands of kilometers from you in a much safer place. dick in one hand... gun in the other, what a lethal mix. i try not to be too...