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  1. weazle

    I need help fast, spiders anyone?

    Sounds like a good plan thanks for all the help man. I'd be lost without this sitekiss-ass
  2. weazle

    I need help fast, spiders anyone?

    I woke up this morning to find my beautiful baby WRAPPED in a spider web. THE ENTIRE THING. The leaves are covered with little black things that I believe are eggs.. Does anyone have a remedy for this? PLLLEEEAAAASSSEEEE AND THANK YOU IN ADVANCE:peace:
  3. weazle

    Bug problem on plants outside...

    Well if they are then you can get a bowl of something that ferments like beer or something and leave it next to the's supposed to attract them and keep them away
  4. weazle

    Bug problem on plants outside...

    What do the bugs look like? Fruit gnats maybe?
  5. weazle

    Is There a Dr in the House? Sick Plant w/Curled Upward Leaves

    I've found that terracycle tomato plant food works really well and it has calcium boost. It's made of liquid worm poop and comes in recycled bottles. You can find it aat your local home depot or whatever. I believe it also contains nitrogen.
  6. weazle

    Someone help!

    does anyone know if incandescent light bulbs work? I know they are much higher wattage..
  7. weazle

    Someone help!

    whats the conversion?
  8. weazle

    Someone help!

    The bulb that's in the fixture I bought is 18 watts i think and produces 1360 lumens and I checked some bulbs at home depot that were like 20 watts and only 850 and 600 lumens...Doesnt the light output have a factor?
  9. weazle

    Someone help!

    so what do the lumens mean? Im not sure about the wattage...
  10. weazle

    Someone help!

    I'm starting some new babies and I went and bought a new cfl...I went to the grow faq to make sure I got something with enough lumens to support them and it wont work....or I'm just dumb. Either way can someone help cause I already starting the germinations process and need to know soon. thanks...
  11. weazle

    Hey guys...need a little help (pics)

    Thakns man i really appreciate the help:peace:
  12. weazle

    Hey guys...need a little help (pics)

    So should I just start at 12/12? When will I know it's reached it's full potential?
  13. weazle

    To Late....

    You got a closet? Thats what I did ;)
  14. weazle

    Hey guys...need a little help (pics)

    This is my first semi sucessful grow. I never really intended for this plant to get this far.. but now it is and I really dont want all this time to be for nothing.. It didnt get the proper veg. cycle so its maybe almost two feet tall but everything under the top six inches is bare...I know it's...
  15. weazle

    Need Help

    Also I have been giving it this tomatoe plant nutrients...its liquid worm poop or whatever and ive also put this growth hormone on it called gibberilic acid or something... I was pretty sure that it was safe though because my mom uses it on some berry plant or something
  16. weazle

    Need Help

    Youre probably right..It started out in my closet with a couple grow lights on it, but then I ran into some problems and had to take it out..Since then it mostly just been sunlight.. I still keep it inside at night but give it sunlight during the day..Should I still be giving 24 hour light?
  17. weazle

    Need Help

    Can someone please help me with my plant I have been hanging on to this guy since around april or may and they are still tiny. I believe they are starting to bud but i want to get as much as i can out of it and would like it to fill out a little more. the only problem is I dont know how to do...
  18. weazle


    small pot.. and like i said nothing but sunlight
  19. weazle


    Well I started her out with just a couple small lights but i ran into a little complication and I had to put it in the ground outside for awhile. Now I just keep taking it outside during the day and letting it soak it up on my deck. Im not sure how trim or top or do anything...kinda just dove...
  20. weazle


    I've had mine going for about 3 months now and its still really short. It looks good and it's got lots of hairs/ crytals but it's still not even two feet.. Will it get any bigger?