Need Help


Active Member
Can someone please help me with my plant I have been hanging on to this guy since around april or may and they are still tiny. I believe they are starting to bud but i want to get as much as i can out of it and would like it to fill out a little more. the only problem is I dont know how to do that...doi need to do some trimming or something? someone help me out ive put too much into this thing not to get anything out of it :peace: thanks to everyone



Well-Known Member
I wouldn't do shit about trimming at this point... your need is didn't mention that..but from what I see, the trichs are going nicely... just give it as much light as you can..... going good..... Luck


Active Member
Youre probably right..It started out in my closet with a couple grow lights on it, but then I ran into some problems and had to take it out..Since then it mostly just been sunlight.. I still keep it inside at night but give it sunlight during the day..Should I still be giving 24 hour light?


Active Member
Also I have been giving it this tomatoe plant nutrients...its liquid worm poop or whatever and ive also put this growth hormone on it called gibberilic acid or something... I was pretty sure that it was safe though because my mom uses it on some berry plant or something


Well-Known Member
Youre probably right..It started out in my closet with a couple grow lights on it, but then I ran into some problems and had to take it out..Since then it mostly just been sunlight.. I still keep it inside at night but give it sunlight during the day..Should I still be giving 24 hour light?
The photoperiod for flowering plants is 12/12 ( 12 hour days and 12 hour nights). If you have light being emmitted to your plants getting close to 18 hours then your plant will revert back to the vegetative state. If your plant gets totally confused and stressed it may turn into a hermaphrodite.