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  1. igotwhatuneed

    first grow remodling

    im back started 1 dp blueberry other one didnt pop sigh cant get more hope its female thing it will be and 5 bag seeds ill post some pics soon one is on my other name couldnt figure out this ones pass name is greenerpastures81
  2. igotwhatuneed

    first grow remodling

    but other than that shes great o and those are 3 of her clones next to her the fourth is a mother i put into flowering befor taking like 5 clones i really wanted more in flowering room besides i think the kush willl be better than a seed i got out of a 8th anyway
  3. igotwhatuneed

    first grow remodling

    ya she has a fucked up fan leaf where i tried to super crop her a long time ago (first time id tried on a real plant practiced on weeds but not weed) and i think i killd all the mites on her by hand i flip over leaves and smash them in a chair i sit by her
  4. igotwhatuneed

    cfl hopefull what u think i get

    im using a shitload of clfs all over the place i have a grow rubbermaid with like 4 my mother/clone area has 3 and 2 of those florecent shop light things the so those are 4 bulbs and god knows how many in the flowering area tell me what i can expect from flowering area...
  5. igotwhatuneed

    what u think of my setup opps forgot the link :P
  6. igotwhatuneed

    what u think of my setup

    hey check out what i do and tell me what i should do
  7. igotwhatuneed

    first grow remodling

    i think my mom finally filld her new pot cus the pot cus shes expoading on her top so much lush growth i want to take more cutting off it but im thinking i can leave it for a while and she will grow like a foot when it all fills out since a lot of the upper leaves are young and undeveloped if...
  8. igotwhatuneed

    favorite growers of RIU

    i second the brown dirt warrior that guys a beast fucking carrying that shit thru the woods like that nobody here does that shit im sure we smoke too much pot makes us lazy :P
  9. igotwhatuneed

    Seedlings From The Root Ball?...

    lol a hermi that plants itself :P
  10. igotwhatuneed

    tiny yield=EXTREMELY frustrated

    if ur gunna do that i would suggest getting a large plywood sheet and make a large box out of 2by4s then nail the board to the box use it as a floor kinda like a when u see a half constructed wall at a home construction that kinda 2by4 frame then just take that board and u got a insilater if...
  11. igotwhatuneed

    tiny yield=EXTREMELY frustrated

    fuck ventelating if he hasnt done it by now theres gota be a reason just get like 2 or 3 of those fans that turn back and forth and a co2 system or sleep in the basement :P i grow in my room ( well i grow in like 5 places but some is still in my room its a mutually benifitial situation they get...
  12. igotwhatuneed

    is something wrong

    i think u should just transplant to a water dif pot then and bury stem about an inch or too further down in a good potting soil that can hold moisture better but still has the perilite (or u can add it a bag costs u like 3 or 4 bucks) for drainage
  13. igotwhatuneed

    can i use this in a dwc

    pls tell me what u think of my nute wish list for dwc its like half nutes half root stuff i dont think im gunna use anything like final phase or scorpion tho im just gunna use water and hope my plants dont get deseases although i use messenger every 3 weeks
  14. igotwhatuneed

    can i use this in a dwc

    what are u gunna use for veg lighting?
  15. igotwhatuneed

    can i use this in a dwc

    i have 3 roommates they dont do anything to any of my plants i think its cus they are lazy tho if i called and asked them to water cus i was out of town they would probly bitch about it and maybe do it then again u kinda have to do a walk through to do it u gota mist and water things in my room...
  16. igotwhatuneed

    can i use this in a dwc this is my first gro by the way so what are u running and how does it work for u pics and details pls im thinking of within the next month getting about 300$ worth of advanced nutrients grow micro bloom big...
  17. igotwhatuneed

    can i use this in a dwc

    i put the big ones in flowering room after like 4 weeks of veg the others went in about 2 days ago max much younger plants the others where over 18inchs the new ones where about 7 to 10
  18. igotwhatuneed

    can i use this in a dwc

    i already have that fert thats y i asked i also have MG all purpose fert 20-20-20 some fox farm grow and bloom (not gunna last me long) some shults 10 15 10 fish emultions 5 1 1 blood meal 12 0 0 and superthrive anyways here are my plants the first are the ones outside that i keep there...
  19. igotwhatuneed

    can i use this in a dwc

    i im gunna make sum deep water culture hydroponics i have this can i use it
  20. igotwhatuneed

    first grow remodling

    u cant really see it but those lil dark areas are mites on that leaf