is something wrong


Active Member
well i was wondering what i should do with my 4week old seedling's browning leaves. The base of its stem also looks like its drying out. Also can anybody tell if this is a mostly indica plant.



Well-Known Member
Need more info. How much do you water them? are you using the right amount of nutes? What the avg temp in your area? Whats the humidity? whats your source of light? looks indoor i guess?


Active Member
i give it about 100mls of water every day, and once a week i give it some miracle grow the avg temp is 75-80 degrees F. Not too humid,the source of light is sunlight


Well-Known Member
The plant might be drying out due to the unhumid climate. Its a pretty tropical type of plant. your plant still looks fairly healthy though.


Well-Known Member
Ive never tried that... but I assume it might work. But then your plants might not get enough light.

When I have had humid problem ive used a tub of water with a heating bad underneath it. just right by my plants. but if your grow area is in a wide open area its going to be hard.

You can also by a humidifier for fairly cheap at wal mart. I think no more than 30 bucks.


Well-Known Member
ive used half of a water bottle and put it over the top of the plant during the day. it adds a kinda greenhouse effect. and you might want to stop watering it for a couple days. squish the container so a little air can get to the roots then water it, it helps the water get down to the roots. good luck.

is it outside or just on a window sill??


Active Member
i think u should just transplant to a water dif pot then and bury stem about an inch or too further down in a good potting soil that can hold moisture better but still has the perilite (or u can add it a bag costs u like 3 or 4 bucks) for drainage