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  1. G

    Organic honey / molasses ???

    that does not sound smart at all considering that cola can take rust off of shit.....
  2. G

    Organic honey / molasses ???

    im not sure what the micro ingrediants of honey are but the reason molasses works is because on the molecular level it has the same ingrediants of that of your flowering nutes. someone correct me if im wrong. but the compounds in molasses allow your plant to absorb more nutrients. so im not sure...
  3. G


    ive heard adding hydrogenperoxide to your plants cant get rid of salts is this true if so how much per galon? quick plant is hurting bad!
  4. G

    need advice from experts please

    it keeps getting worse please someone help dont leave me hanging.
  5. G

    PK or MOLASSES ???

    when using mol can you start adding it whenever in the flower stage
  6. G

    need advice from experts please

    what can i use to cut back the salt?
  7. G

    need advice from experts please

    what about the really light green one im thinking maybe to much salt in the soil any one ???? and you think its the water should i back off on watering and the nutes
  8. G

    need advice from experts please

    ok so ive had another thread going for awhile now with no good info really so my question is what the f is going on with two of my three plants. one is around 3 feet tall and has willted very badly been keeping the temps 65 to 85 and watering every so often i flushed once thinking it might be...
  9. G

    HELP!!! fast

    so i just added one more white light and one mroe warm red light lets home it helps. plus i also must add that my temp ga wasnt even inside my grow box it was out the back not sure how that happened
  10. G

    HELP!!! fast

    is it worth trying still on the bigger one i dont want to give up but fuck i mean the ph is fine i just waterd again last night with light nutes is it possible that not enough warm light is in there? should i invest in more lights or what quick i want to get this under control so she doesnt go...
  11. G

    HELP!!! fast

    oh yea and how much longer you guys think on the one that is ahead in flowering. im thinking maybe three more weeks
  12. G

    HELP!!! fast

    ok so here is an update of my girls i think my teps are low. around 60 at nights so that might be the issue. i think im lacking some nutes now as well after my flush
  13. G

    HELP!!! fast

    another side note is i have 8 cfl bulbs cant remember the power but 4 white and 4 warm plus 2 3 foot t 6s might it be that i need more light with three plants in there?
  14. G

    HELP!!! fast

    im not using mg soil im using mg nutes im using an organic soil. things seemed to be looking better she started to stand up some are still curling under though idk might it be under watering idk i cant figure it out will lack of nutes do this ? i heated up the room staying at around 70 during...
  15. G

    HELP!!! fast

    well this is the deal three plants one auto flower prob around week 6 of flowering its looking good a little nute burn but smells bomb and as you can see is comming along nice. my prob is with the taller one it has been flowering for around 3 weeks now about 4 feet tall i had to bend her to get...
  16. G

    HELP!!! fast

    ok dont think its to late what are some solutions keep the room warmer. its not dropping below 70 and there are 2 other plants in there that seem to be fine. im gonna go with over nutes because im for sure not over watering them if anything underwatering them.
  17. G

    HELP!!! fast

    ok so for some reason my plant is drooping really bad and the tips are starting to curl under i am using mg for nutes i know but its all i have available so.. please help look at the pics
  18. G

    Looking for some advice on when to harvest

    also im looking to make the buds swell with about a month left ive heard that by dropping one of the major nutes you can achive this. anyone know that nute i think its like K or Something and another question is where can i find just straight P or something
  19. G

    Looking for some advice on when to harvest

    i cant have it on 18 6 though because i have two other plants that are not auto flower that are in the same grow room! limited space so i have to keep them in there. fucking cfls take forever
  20. G

    Looking for some advice on when to harvest

    Ok so i have three plants growing all going to harvest at differnet times even though they were all planted together weird situation. the one im posting now was an auto flower and started flowering while still in vegitation. so what im wondering is when do you think this will be ready it has...