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  1. G


    make sure you wet the soil before you pot and pack semi tight around root ball.
  2. G

    Tie Die Buds? Does Food Coloring Really Work?

    ok along with this question if the plant absorbs the food coloring its safe to say that they absorb things other than h30 and h ions for thoughs who dont know chem thats what water ionizes into when its evaporated so there for has anyone seen or tasted the water that is strained or taste like...
  3. G


    hey new growth thanks for all the help this is my frist grow like i said before. the bottom has one section of nodes that both go the same way it is really crowded and some of the leaves are losing that dark green and becoming light is this due to no light or something with the nuts? i know i...
  4. G


    ya she is big im gonna leave her on 18 6 and then tomorrow switch her over
  5. G


    should i start to change to 12 12 cycle?
  6. G


    the first pic is the part i think is ready to clone the 2nd is a pic of my lady she looks pretty healthy to me no nut probs or anything yet so im stoked.. any input is welcomed
  7. G


    well the problem is is that i only have one room so is cloning out of the picture or can i take my clone straight into flowering on a 12 12. ill get a picture on here of the area and the size of the mother i have now
  8. G


  9. G


    so my baby has seemed to slow her height growth and really is starting to show hairs and what not she is on a 18-6 like i have said should i bump her to 12 12 to start the budding process or should i wait it out to see if she starts to go up agian
  10. G


    my clone looks pretty sad idk what the deal is is it possible that she was not ready to be cloned i would say the clone was only 6 inches long i have her held up right now with a loose wire but she is droopin hard and looks almost gone she is still green but im not sure what the deal is
  11. G


    i would say that my roomate checks the shit while its dark and might let some light in, so idk the timer comes on like 3 minutes before its true 18/6 so idk if that would be a factor. the clone is super limp any ideas
  12. G


    so i cloned her and the clone seems to be limp whats that about any ideas on how to get the child to take better? first clone ever so not really sure what im doing
  13. G


    the thing with this plant is she has been on a 18/6 for the life of the plant so.. why is she flowering???
  14. G


    can she be cloned
  15. G


    ok so my question is , i have one female out of six bag seed plants she is about 30 days into veg not very big i would say about 12-15 inches tall cfl grow. i want to at least have 2 fem so can i clone her now or should i wait until flowering stage and then clone. also she already showed sighns...
  16. G

    worried about veg state

    i know they are from an outdoor grow because thats pretty much the only bud in the area that youll find with seeds in them, is any one pretty familiar with cloning?? considering that i just had 6 plants and only one female i was curious if i could clone her and have them bud around the same time...
  17. G

    worried about veg state

    when you order from sites like that are you expected to get only female seeds or is it still a guessing game?
  18. G

    worried about veg state

    but idk i guess thats why its called luck sometimes its shit sometimes its not! what do you think of the set up. the case was free which is working great has the part you see and then below it is a storage area which im thinking im going to throw lights in and start a seeding aread. my set up is...
  19. G

    worried about veg state

    good call which fucking sucks because i just spent mad cash on a grow and only got 1 female out of 6 fucking plants
  20. G

    worried about veg state

    looks like out of 6 plants only one is gonna be female wtf..... sucks but has anyone in the us bought seeds online and felt safe about it?