

Well-Known Member
hmm tomorrow night will be 1 week for my plants. when should i repot them? at a certain size? or certain time into growing?


Well-Known Member
well anytime really a seedling can grow out of a big say when theyre two frst true marijuana leaves emerge from the two smallers ones.. lol if you know what i mean


Well-Known Member
ahh ok looks like repotting time then
2 plants are coming out with its 2nd leaves after the 1st sprout and 1 is still on its 1st leaves.. all potted same time.. they are like 6inches tall to.. stretching to much


Well-Known Member
You don't transplant based on above ground growth. Pot plants do best when the roots are allowed to get a little crowded. You need a solid root mass to grow a healthy plant.
Lot's of folks tend to TP way too early. This will generally result in slowed/stopped veg growth as the roots have to re-fill the new planter. Unless you started in a really teeny planter, it's my guess that a one week old plant would very rarely require TP'ing. I'd sure wait, if you haven't already made this choice.
A couple ways to time this better are for you to keep an eye on the bottom of your planter, TP'ing when roots start growing out the drainage holes (or are visible there).
Another indicator is if you notice you're having to water a certain plant more often in a controlled environment.
Tp'ing too early can really slow down a grow.

sir smokesalot

Well-Known Member
i dont transplant till i can pull on the base of the stem a little and the root plug with the dirt pulls away with it, you just have to watch closley and dont let it get root bound if you use that method


Well-Known Member
kk i havent TP'ed yet so ill wait a little longer but yes the pot they are in are very small
Good move. Fill that little planter w/roots. As smokealot wrote, " . . . dont transplant till i can pull on the base of the stem a little and the root plug with the dirt pulls away with it . . . "

This ^^^ should work for you, too.