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  1. HomeyDontPlayDat

    PLEASE HELP (First Time Growing)

    here is a pic of the splitter. You can find them at home depot or whatever. I think they are like $3-$5. You should really check out the indoor growing section.
  2. HomeyDontPlayDat

    PLEASE HELP (First Time Growing)

    thanks for starting your own thread :eyesmoke: . dont worry about what strain it is. Your gonna try to get buds off that plants and smoke them regardless of what the strain is. I also asked questions like that when I first started. My best advice to you would be to buy a compact fluoro bulb. You...
  3. HomeyDontPlayDat


  4. HomeyDontPlayDat

    Trash Can Flowering Chamber

    cannabisKing, why would you post a video and ask questions in somebody elses thread?? not saying it like a dick, im just wondering why you would.
  5. HomeyDontPlayDat

    How to take Clones off a plant?

    you think he would atleast know how to use the search function with that many post... that was my point.
  6. HomeyDontPlayDat

    How to take Clones off a plant?

    267 posts and you still cant figure out how to take a clone? amazing. :leaf: but goodluck with your plants. Try taking a clone and put it in a cup with 1" inch of water. Dont add any fertilizer because they dont even have roots yet. You can foliar feed with a very light dose of nutes. :peace:
  7. HomeyDontPlayDat

    heres another underage member.. check his "about me" he clearly states he is 17 years old...

    heres another underage member.. check his "about me" he clearly states he is 17 years old
  8. HomeyDontPlayDat

    deals deals deals deals

    I would rather have one quality piece of equipment that I know will last and be accurate, compared to a handfull of junk ones. :leaf:
  9. HomeyDontPlayDat

    sorry to post on your visitor messages but I cant PM. Im just wondering if the kid with screen...

    sorry to post on your visitor messages but I cant PM. Im just wondering if the kid with screen name "alternate ego" got banned?
  10. HomeyDontPlayDat

    Barneys Farm LSD 400w Waterfarm

    86 damn thats low.. you must live in a cold state. I live on the east coast and my friends grow room gets up to 104f during the summer. He thinks he doesnt need ventilation because he gets a decent yeild. Some ppl just never learn.
  11. HomeyDontPlayDat

    Barneys Farm LSD 400w Waterfarm

    nice setup. whats the highest your temps get during the summer in your grow room?
  12. HomeyDontPlayDat

    Please help. I only know of HID. Tell me what is the cord and plug for a cfl bulb ??

    are you talking about the socket and cord? I bought a 1000 hps socket and cord for $15 from a local hydro shop. It came with a metal bracket so I can hang the light vertical with no hood. not sure if this helps.
  13. HomeyDontPlayDat

    wow doubled in size over night :)

    lol thats like taking a nap right before you go to bed. All thats gonna do is make them stretch.
  14. HomeyDontPlayDat

    wow doubled in size over night :)

    why do you raise the light 2 hrs before lights out? IMHO keep the light 2-3" inches from the tops for the entire time the light was on.
  15. HomeyDontPlayDat

    I'm NOT Bmeat, so please help ME ???

    I thought you get banned for having multiple accounts? lots of forums have that rule, does this website have that??
  16. HomeyDontPlayDat

    wow doubled in size over night :)

    nice looking plants. Why is the light so far away?