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    peer to peer questions

    yeah i was just going to help him out but if its not cool then its all good,he has plenty of other ppl that he can get it from, thanks for the info id rather be safe then sorry dont want to loose my card over something small and stupid
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    peer to peer questions

    damn thats pretty messed up thanks for the info
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    peer to peer questions

    know i know about the laws about service centers and i know you cant sell to ppl if you have your card and your not a caregiver but say my best friend has his card and i just give him a small amount for free is that legal or illegal just would like to know, thanks
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    hey everyone i'm new here!! Whats up?!

    i found my current cg on craigslist as i posted a wanted ad and got like 10 caregivers emailing me. i found one local that gives me a free oz every month and it has been working out great. i mentioned on the ad that i was looking for a long term caregiver and it has been smooth for the past 4...
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    from what i have seen and heard and you clearly know that theres at least some very tiny amount of butane and it cant get out completely. either way im good on the bho would rather do the bubble hash. thanks for the rest of the advise.
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    not into the whole bho thing really not good for you. was more thinking of some nice kief or bubble hash. isnt making kief still legal?
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    i always thought that your trim was not considered in your amount like seeds is this true or if say i have a oz of bud then an oz of trim am i close to my limit of 2.5 or as long as its trim i can have more? thanks for your help just wanna be safe and not be over the limit
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    growing in a school zone

    sorry to steal the topic but does this rule only apply to schools or parks the same thing? been thinking about growing but we have a fire dep. and a park right by my house
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    high tolerance

    id say that will help but thats even stronger what do you think is going to happen later when you cant get medicated then? id say just take a break for a lil bit or try a flushing drink not the 6 hour drink but a week long flushing. i went to purple east a couple years ago and they had this...
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    high tolerance

    have you ever tried to take a week off or so? it will help id say maybe a month would do it for sure
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    Mi Supreme Ct: MMMP patients have some protections from being charged with DUI

    so does this mean they cant do the blood test and if we test pos they cant do nothing?