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  1. clathim

    Best Outdoor Soil in the world

    Soil that has a lot of worms in it would be some of the best soil you can get because the worm castings are one of the best, natural fertilizers known to man. In most cases if there is a lot of plant life growing in the soil it is great soil to grow marijuana in. Depending on your grow space...
  2. clathim


    Your plant is looking very nice, I think you did a good job. When you decide to harvest look at the color of the trichomes, if about half of them are getting darker it's time to harvest. I'm not sure what you are growing but I will asume it is a Sativa/Indica cross. The Sativa gives you the up...
  3. clathim

    Droopy Plant

    It has been 33 years since my "First grow was a failure". I'm sorry your plant died but I know I'm right about your light.
  4. clathim

    Kind of a big deal

    I agree with Rev3la7ion but hey pics can be deceiving they looked kind of small to me so it is possible I could be wrong, 8.5" should be plenty of space depending on how deep they are. But I will say this a larger pot needs to be watered less often & allows the roots to develope better.
  5. clathim

    New grower having trouble.

    Brown leaf tips can be a sign of too much nutrients or two little, without actually checking the pant out is not as easy to make a diagnosis just looking at a pic or too. The chlorine in your tap water if too high can also cause this problem. Also can be a sign of too much heat. But I didn't...
  6. clathim

    Plant Stem Problem?

    Really..... I got that information from my Big Book Of Buds by Ed Rosenthal, it was a grow tip from KC Brains on page #173, he has been breeding for 20 years, in the book he is standing in a field of marijuana. I myself tried mineral water on my plants & thought it made a major improvement in...
  7. clathim

    Kind of a big deal

    I agree with Tom on this one, also those plants need much bigger pots. And twice a week is to often to add nutrients.
  8. clathim

    New grower having trouble.

    Defiantly nutrient burn, I can't say this enough, water them with mineral water & cut way back on the nutrients. Also you should put a fan in the room to make the main stem stronger.
  9. clathim

    Plant Stem Problem?

    Water your plants with mineral water, it is direct CO-2 to the roots & will make them a lot stonger also plants love it.
  10. clathim

    Droopy Plant

    Your plant is not getting enough light to cause proper photosynthesis. You need at least a 400 Watt High Pressure sodium light, anything else will be a watse of time. Until you can get a better light water your plant with mineral water, this is direct CO-2 to the roots. It may help keep your...
  11. clathim

    Replant help please

    You should always dig around the roots & keep a large clump of dirt around the roots when transplanting, treat the roots like they are made of fine glass. Water the plant just a little to set it after it is transplanted. I start my plants in large styrofoam cups so when I put them outside I can...
  12. clathim

    is this a plant?

    Germinate your seeds before you plant them then you will be sure the plant is marijuana.
  13. clathim

    Outdoor Grow (Pics)

    Yes that will confuse your plants bringing them in & out if you leave them in the dark to long, if you could leave them outside it would be much better. This type of stress can cause hermaphrodism. The advice about waiting for the soil to dry before watering again that Orange Shovel gave you is...
  14. clathim

    A little advice please

    In most cases this is caused from to much nutrient, the plants my be able to take the higher ppm but seedlings may not. Try using less nutrients until they are about 12" tall & see if that helps. Also be careful that the heat from your lights is not causing this problem, if you hold your hand...