Best Outdoor Soil in the world

El Americano

Active Member
Typically, what would be the best soil? The one located near a river? A farm where all the cows shit? A tropical rainforest? The jungle?

Today I went guerrilla. I went to google earth, found this place. It was full of long grass (10 ft), some had spines, pretty nasty, but there were some patches with no tall grass and the soil looked great! I mean, I dug a bit, and it was full of worms and the soil looked very healthy, brownish, but was full of roots.

I took about a 5gal bucket back home and will play around with it with some seeds, mixed up with some Sunshine 4. Anything I should do? Like with the roots? Is this good soil? Where can I find the best soil? Is it even worth it to grow indoors with or should I just use Sunshine with organic nutes?

Damn, thats a lot of questions. Pretty stoned.

Black Light

Well-Known Member
Just buy potting soil mix.

If you live in a small populated area the only stuff you can get is miracle grow and expert grower which I use expert grower because it feeds longer than miracle grow, but when they get bigger I added mushroom compost and cow compost to them.

But be careful they will burn your leaves if you don't use it correctly.


New Member
I planted in the wilderness myself, and my spot is great but i didn't want the trouble of bringing in soil so i took 10 clones and planted them spread out, i put some in sandy soil,clay , on the banks of a creek and farther up on a hill. I don't plan to visit until harvest and i'm hoping that at least a couple of them will survive.

My hope is that by planting in different types of soil and different distances from the creek will guarntee me a harvest. Close to the creek in case of drought, farther in case of heavy rain, etc.

Good Luck


Well-Known Member
It's trial and error,man.You just have to try it and see what happens with one plant,you never know you could have stumbled on mother nature's gold.Just like Black Light said go with potting soil that works well. I've used expert grow before and i know you can pick up bags of it at Walmart,very inexpensive,but has little capulets in the soil that helps fed long term.

El Americano

Active Member
Lets get this straight. I can get any soil I want, whether its Fox Farm or some soiless mix like Sunshine. I can also get some of the best soil in the world because of where I live (not in the USA, not that they dont have good soil). Lets say I live in Cuba for the sake of argument. Am I better off using a soiless mix with organic nutes or would getting soil from a rainforest that has never been fertilized, with lots of vegetation around? Dont mean to offend anyone, but Im looking for someone who knows the actual answer. Or maybe I should go to a legit organic growing board?


Active Member
Soil that has a lot of worms in it would be some of the best soil you can get because the worm castings are one of the best, natural fertilizers known to man. In most cases if there is a lot of plant life growing in the soil it is great soil to grow marijuana in. Depending on your grow space, (I'm assuming hydroponic) if your grow space is small the Sunshine w/ nutes maybe easier to work with. As a general rule of thumb, the darker the soil the richer the nutrients are in that soil. I wouldn't recomment the soil with the cow manure for an indoor grow do to the smell not to mention unless the cow manure is extremely dry it can burn the roots. Cow manure should be mixed into the soil a few months before you plant in it. Ultimately the decision on what soil to use is left up to the grower, but always check whatever outdoor soil you get for little bugs that love to eat young roots. As far as a "Legit organic growing board", we do what we can to help others to grow better, you never stop learning!

El Americano

Active Member
While reading through the thread this morning, I noticed a little hostility on my part. Apologies. Ambien makes me a little cranky.

clathin: not sure what made you think I grow hydro when I'm interested in soil, but to answer your question, no this is not a hydro setup. This is just an experiment. I will grow 10 seedlings (once sprouted) in a soiless mix (Sunshine 4 with organic nutes), and 10 seedlings with some of the best soil I can find mixed with some Sunshine.

According to Jorge Cervantes book, 'the ultimate soil for growing plants is loam found in ancient river bottoms and lake beds where sedimentary soil builds up. It's dark, fertile, and crumbly in the hand'.

Regarding my rainforest soil question: 'Forrest soils vary greatly in PH. The needles and deadfall from the trees usually make the soil acidic.'

I will keep doing more research and post back.