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  1. W

    First Colorado outdoor grow questions

    Lol NO you psycho...Quit acting like a child and quit binge drinking fluoridated water...You need help...Watch documentary below
  2. W

    First Colorado outdoor grow questions

    Why don't we switch the topic over to marijuana prohibition...??? "Once a liar...always a liar" Read the following articles:
  3. W

    First Colorado outdoor grow questions

    Lol why did they delete my evidence? Trousers obviously cant come up with anything better than to call me a racist...I'm done with this conversation. I'm just laughing to myself...
  4. W

    First Colorado outdoor grow questions

    To answer your question regarding what Obama has done in the last 5 years. He has turned back on nearly ALL of his promises. He enhanced the patriot act. It is now legal for the government to plant surveillance in your home without your permission. Obama also wrote into law, the ability to...
  5. W

    First Colorado outdoor grow questions

    Well yes, the whole Republican vs Democrat facade is just a fallacy. This left right para-dime is meant to deceive us into thinking that you actually have a choice. Problem is both the Republicans and Democrats are merely puppets for the powers that be.
  6. W

    First Colorado outdoor grow questions

    Right on bro. Makes sense that since everyone can grow their own there isn't much demand for the product.
  7. W

    First Colorado outdoor grow questions

    Great suggestions. Thanks for the info! Sounds like Colorado is more like a place to retire than a place to make a substantial income...Is organic food and natural medicine big over there?
  8. W

    First Colorado outdoor grow questions

    Very true. I agree 100%
  9. W

    First Colorado outdoor grow questions

    Can you do me a favor and watch the documentary Agenda: Grinding America Down. If you need a copy I would gladly send you a DVD and I'll pay the shipping on it too. Some other good documentaries on youtube are "The Obama Deception", "Owned and Operated" or "Guns and Weed: The Road to Freedom"...
  10. W

    First Colorado outdoor grow questions

    I don't really have anything against homeless people per say. But sometimes they freak me out and they tend to take advantage of others. I know this from experience. I don't live around them, but Ive been to cities where I see them. Like mentioned in my earlier post, Ive been ripped off by some...
  11. W

    First Colorado outdoor grow questions

    Sorry if you feel differently but I feel that if they banned guns, there will be more illegal guns. The criminals will always find a way. If they can't get them legally, they will just acquire more illegal guns which ultimately leads to more crime. I don't really want to argue here but that is...
  12. W

    First Colorado outdoor grow questions

    Lol does that $10/hr require filling out a 1099? How much is rent out in Boulder on average? A semi decent place that isn't around any ghettos would be preferable. I remember walking through Boulder and there are homeless people sitting on the benches. There are no homeless people in my area and...
  13. W

    First Colorado outdoor grow questions
  14. W

    First Colorado outdoor grow questions

    What does CMH stand for? Look up this LED system called the Magnum+. What do you think? I could care less about the cost of the lighting equipment. I just want to grow the purest natural highest quality buds.
  15. W

    First Colorado outdoor grow questions

    I remeber the last time I was in Colorado at Illuzion Glass...I tried asking a customer if he knew where I could get bud. He started getting nervous and he said "No, no I'm from the mountains, I live in the mountains" lol. Don't really know what significance that has. I asked a few more people...
  16. W

    First Colorado outdoor grow questions

    Yes, thats the plan...But I would like to get some experience and/or tips from a old time grower so I can learn the ropes. I did research and I am interested in growing with LEDs. I know it sounds crazy but there are some nice LEDs out there now...Their spectrum is closest to matching the sun.
  17. W

    First Colorado outdoor grow questions

    I heard stories of people in California getting paid $20 an hour to trim leaves...Can any confirm this?
  18. W

    First Colorado outdoor grow questions

    Haha agreed. I'm workin on it I will get there eventually. I heard some news that Obama is trying to take the guns away in Colorado :( Stand up for your rights and the constitution dont let that socialist take the guns!
  19. W

    First Colorado outdoor grow questions

    Thanks for the book suggestion! Have you heard about "Growing Elite Marijuana" by Ryan Riley? I want to grow organic with no synthetics...
  20. W

    First Colorado outdoor grow questions

    Kinda been in a small suburb my whole life. Can't deny the fact I'm a little afraid to move out west, but I am a true smoker and I feel as though I should have been born in California or Colorado not on the East...People out here are completely different. The culture and lifestyle is different...