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    Would This Fan Work For My Closet? Okay so I need to install a fan in my bedroom closet. The Lights are just making it way to hot in there. Well my question is would I be able to mount the above fan to my...
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    My Super Cfl Grow 600w +

    I'm using 6 60 watt (300 watt Equivalent) 3200K for Flowering. I need to figure out a way to get the heat down in my closet. May have to add an exhaust fan inside my closet. (Bedroom closet). My fiance is bitching about me cutting a hole in the wall might sneak to do it while...
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    Questions For My Next CFL setUp

    Oh and if that's aluminum foil you got on there, that's probably a good reason your box is so hot. Foil absorbs heat and does not do a good job of bouncing light back towards the plant. Invest in a $20 roll of mylar, or you can just buy your self an emergency blanket one should work for you...
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    Questions For My Next CFL setUp

    Yeah I would definitely raise the lights. Your plant needs to stretch out a bit. How often are you watering? I think you should be doing it every 2 days, depending on how hot it gets in their to dry out the soil. I'm growing my plants at least 3 feet tall, so I couldn't use your setup but I...
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    Starting New Grow: Diesel Lowryder Second time growing.

    whats your lighting setup? Soil or Dro?
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    How To Become A Licensed Medical Grower...

    Now this is some great advice...Im going to print it out and tack it to my fridge. Thanks Panhead....Oh and I live in Maryland, and 20 mins away from DC where they just opened up their first shop.
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    Questions For My Next CFL setUp

    Okay so this will be my third grow. My first grow was started outside during its vegetative grow. Probably around 2 months from seed before moving it indoors to flower. I had 2 60 watt (300 Watt Equivalent) 3200k. I harvest around half an ounce of dry bud, only problem was. It didn't quite...
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    How To Become A Licensed Medical Grower...

    I just wanted to know where I could get information on becoming a licensed grower. Any information would be helpful. My state has currently passed Medical Marijuana Laws and I just wanted to know how I could get in on the ground floor.
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    Mother and Veg Cab rebuild

    How much would you say you spent on wood?
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    Can I Pluck A Bud Early?

    The title says it all, my girl probably has a few weeks left but I want to smoke now. So be a pal and tell me if I can snip a bud off early?
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    Is she ready for harvest ?? (Pics)

    Looks good, should invest in a microscope...
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    Check Out My Plant! About 4 Weeks In To Flowering! Newbie Needs Help! Whats Wrong?

    Plan on getting more lights this weekend...
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    Time For Harvest?

    Im Not really sure what strain it is. It comes from a regular old bag seed.
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    Time For Harvest?

    True, its been in flowering since the first week of august, this is my first grow. What should I be feeding it? Was using miracle grow during the veg stage, but didnt think it was going to be good for the flowering stage, am I wrong...
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    Time For Harvest?

    need to know if this girl is ready, lower leaves are shrinking up and dying...some trichomes are cloudy not all and the female , hairs started browning...
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    Time For Harvest?

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    Check Out My Plant! About 4 Weeks In To Flowering! Newbie Needs Help! Whats Wrong?

    Plants are a bit spotted and droopy, Suggestions?