Questions For My Next CFL setUp

Okay so this will be my third grow. My first grow was started outside during its vegetative grow. Probably around 2 months from seed before moving it indoors to flower. I had 2 60 watt (300 Watt Equivalent) 3200k. I harvest around half an ounce of dry bud, only problem was. It didn't quite look like your regular skunk you would find at your dispensary. It was brittle and the high was decent. But nothing I would stamp my name on. I chalked it up to me harvesting to early, and no nutrient feeding at all.

My second grow was started completely indoors with the two 60 watt lights. Everything was fine until to much stress training on the stem snapped the fucker in half. My fault I know but hey everything is a learning experience right. So needless to say I lost half the plant which included one of my main two tops. Blower right. Well just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, I added four more lights of the same bulb. They were all connected to the same hanging socket which due to poor light setup, ended up falling on another half of my plant.'s the kicker, after all that my girl is still alive. But due to all the setbacks its going to be hard for me to judge the success of this grow. This second grow was also only grown with filtered water, no nutrients.

Now for my third grow. I plan on going all out. Ordered seeds, foxfarm nutrients, germination kit with its own light and heating mat. My Flowering closet is your standard bedroom closet. But I plan on building my own Veg Box this time.

Inside the Veg box, I will mount 5 60 watt (300 Eqiv.) 5500K Lights. And 1 60 watt (300 Eqiv.) 3200K. From my research mixing up the spectrum couldn't hurt, after all I grew my entire plant off of just "red" lights. I plan on having 3 plants in this closet. So my question is...

1.)Would this be enough light for 3 plants?
2.)How big should I make my Veg chamber?
3.)how much would the wood cost (other raw materials) to build the veg box?

Oh and I know the box would be at least 3.5 feet across because my light fixture I plan on building will be 3 feet across, for the 6 lights.

Also any ideas on designs for the box would be helpful.
I've just started my first CFL operation, but I am enjoying using a 136L Roughneck container for growing in. I sunk a single planter into the middle of the container (see pic), but you could easily fit three plants in there.

IMG_2286.JPG IMG_2285.JPG
The box was 17$ at HomeDepot. Since you've done this before, do you think I'm using too many lights? I have 4 X 43watt CFL + 3 X 23watt CFL with a ratio of roughly 3:1 - 6500K:2700K. The box does get hella hot and I have to prop the lid open to keep it between 75-80F.

I had started with only the 6500K, but added the others because the little lady was pretty squat, even for an indica. I read somewhere in the endless reams of internet lore that the spectrums of CFL are so specific that the 6500K primarily stimulate horizontal growth while the 2700K primarily stimulate vertical growth. Who knows!?! I also raised the lights a bit to hopefully force some stretch(?). Here she is at approx. 1 month

Yeah I would definitely raise the lights. Your plant needs to stretch out a bit. How often are you watering? I think you should be doing it every 2 days, depending on how hot it gets in their to dry out the soil. I'm growing my plants at least 3 feet tall, so I couldn't use your setup but I like your pics anyhow...
Oh and if that's aluminum foil you got on there, that's probably a good reason your box is so hot. Foil absorbs heat and does not do a good job of bouncing light back towards the plant. Invest in a $20 roll of mylar, or you can just buy your self an emergency blanket one should work for you but get 2 just to be safe.
Correct I am watering every other day. Thanks for the tip re: the aluminium foil. It sure looks shiny to my human eyes, but I've been fooled by less before. I'll be interested to see how the temp changes with some Mylar.

Good luck with your garden!