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  1. G

    AeroGarden Grow Experiment

    Well, my operation is over before it even got started... Had to toss the sprouting seeds and clean house b/c this morning my next door neighboors house was raided and cops are crawling over the freaking place... Thank god I'm moving in a month...then I'll be able to start again.
  2. G

    AeroGarden Grow Experiment

    I now have a total of 4 seeds that germinated after being stored in a dark cup of water for about 3 days I planted 2 on 7/12 and the others on 7/15. No activity yet from the ones I planted on 7/12. Anyone body on the average time for the seed to start to sprout? I took some pics but...
  3. G

    AeroGarden Grow Experiment

    Picked up a 32oz bottle of Fox Farm Grow Big 6-4-4. Tossed the seeds that I did have sprouted b/c I got a batch of hi grade seeds. Started those sprouted today
  4. G

    AeroGarden Grow Experiment

    I tried that setting for my first two go arounds w/ no luck... That may have been due to not cleaning out the tank first, or changing the water a regular cycle...
  5. G

    Looking for good seedbank to order from

    This time growing w/ be my first overall and I'm using an aero garden... what thoughts do people have on these seeds? joint doctors lowryder joint doctors lowryder
  6. G

    AeroGarden Grow Experiment

    Nice stuff here, thanks for the link...
  7. G

    AeroGarden Grow Experiment

    Thanks for the link, looks like they have pretty good deals and about everything you can want like u said. This looks like a good start: FoxFarm Grow Big Liquid Concentrate for only $14 Then again, I really don't know if thats a good price since I'm new to this game :)
  8. G

    Aerogarden club

    Guess there probably isnt a better way, no biggie if ur starting from scratch, but when you have to flush and refill when you have plants, there has to be a better way. I was thinking about installing a drain hole on the side...
  9. G

    AeroGarden Grow Experiment

    Makes sense, Walmart did have Tetra Air pump which I picked up for $15. Got any links for nutrient sites?
  10. G

    AeroGarden Grow Experiment

    Just realized that I don't have nutrients...and no head shops in the vicinity... Can anyone suggest some alternative that I can get from Walmart? I've read the other threads about nutrients but what I saw was more related to planting in soil. When the talk goes about hydro or aero specific...
  11. G

    AeroGarden Grow Experiment

    Good advice I'll pick one up today...thanks!
  12. G

    So how is everybody's weekend going?

    Pretty good...relaxing for sure. Smoking a blunt and talking politics with a few friends will high...gets interesting.
  13. G

    How many neo-cons?

    Exactly...the issue is that I've always had is that so called Liberals will attack you once you disagree. It's all good as long as you agree... But hey to be honest both parties are like that to some extent, just one a bit more than the other. The way I feel about the gov is this: The system...
  14. G

    Why Did Bush Knock Down The Towers?

    He simply finished reading the book which only took about 2 minutes. Instead of leaping out of his chair like a maniac and scaring the kids, he simply finished what he started and then left asap. The funny thing is about everybody who says that Bush invaded iraq for oil is that since we're in...
  15. G

    My encounter with the Cops today.

    Why not, I'm 30 and still love blowing shit up...:)
  16. G

    How many neo-cons?

    I'll have to check that out, was just having fun w/ the 9/11 conspiracy thread...
  17. G

    Why Did Bush Knock Down The Towers?

    This whole discusion is pointless I agree...the point is that 9/11 happened. The events leading up to the attack had been long in the making before Bush or even Clinton came into office. The problem is that our gov didn't recognize the issue soon enough to address it in time. There is a long...
  18. G

    Why Did Bush Knock Down The Towers?

    / There is video of the plane hitting the let's pretend it was all a big trick by Bush to get us into war w/ Iraq & A-stan. If that is that case, then please explain the detailed history of the hijackers who trained in Central Florida @ Emmry to fly large jets? That was made up I...
  19. G

    Why Did Bush Knock Down The Towers?

    Stop smoking so much w/ ur tinfoil hat on...that's the most retarded thing I've ever heard
  20. G

    Every single thing you have watched on Youtube plus your IP. Tracked and gifted.

    Really doesn't matter does it, this forum is tracked, your emails are tracked if need be, so on and so on. Unless you want to lock your communications down to a very secure encrypted SSL layer, you can be watched.