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  1. Cereal box

    Cereal box's 12/12fs CFL Perpetual Grow

    Unfortunately, I lent my camera out shortly before I chopped so I didn't get anymore pics of the bubba :( in a few weeks I'll be germing some of the seeds I got from her and upload some pics of them. :) sorry it's been so long since an update and no pics! Hopefully that will change soon and I'll...
  2. Cereal box

    177W CFL Closet-Box Microgrow - Platinum OG 12/12 from seed

    Damn, that's a total bummer! I'm still hoping the best of ya! How's your plant doing? Any solid signs of sex yet? If it is a male I'd be glad to take some pollen off your hands :) trying to get a good stock pile of breeding essentials in case it gets legal in my area, haha :)
  3. Cereal box


    Wow, that's got a lot of color on it! Hope it'll smoke as good as it looks! If it does looks like it might be a keeper :)! Did you clone any of them?
  4. Cereal box

    NerdGrower ||*Micro/Stealth PC-Growbox Log

    Hey, it's my first time stopping by but, your plants looking really good! I wish my first grow looked half as good! I'll be keeping my eye out for an update :)!
  5. Cereal box

    Dabolili's 12/12FS . Master Kush (Nirvana) & White Widow x Amnesia (sos freebie)

    I'll be looking forward to it! I'm interested in seeing how you like the whole plant dry method :).
  6. Cereal box

    Dabolili's 12/12FS . Master Kush (Nirvana) & White Widow x Amnesia (sos freebie)

    Congrats on your harvest! I like how your drying them out too. I always hang my plants whole to dry slower. Makes it taste so much better! When it's dry tell us how the smoke is :)!
  7. Cereal box

    177W CFL Closet-Box Microgrow - Platinum OG 12/12 from seed

    Damn summer! If it weren't for my garden, I'd hate summer! Hopefully your plants can handle the heat. Last year, before I put my AC in my temps were hitting high 90's everyday and my plants were fine. Just needed watered a little more often. It's probably strain dependent though. Either way...
  8. Cereal box

    Cereal box's 12/12fs CFL Perpetual Grow

    Thanks guys. Yeah, I'm not feeling the new looks as much. Miss the old riu :( I'm not a person who accepts change easily lol. Aw, josh, that's a bummer! Hopefully your OG is a female to hold ya over til fall :) and your right, by then I'm sure you'll have a bunch of seeds to work with ;)
  9. Cereal box


    Looks like you've definitely got some color starting to show through! It's looking really good!!
  10. Cereal box

    Male to Female hermie?? A few questions...

    Thanks for the answers! I've seen your posts in the frosty buds sect. and was always really impressed! I've saved some pollen for further experimentations with it! Thanks for all the replies!
  11. Cereal box

    Dabolili's 12/12FS . Master Kush (Nirvana) & White Widow x Amnesia (sos freebie)

    They're looking good dabolilli! The buds look like they're starting to swell up:)! How much longer til you give them the chop?
  12. Cereal box

    177W CFL Closet-Box Microgrow - Platinum OG 12/12 from seed

    I'm no gambler, but if I were I'd bet it was female too! :) she's looking really good! Grown a lot since your last update. It'll be interesting to see how your new addition looks too. Hopefully the early 12/12 helps it from growing into a monster :) haha. Looking good!
  13. Cereal box

    Cereal box's 12/12fs CFL Perpetual Grow

    Still trying to get used to the new riu, haha :) hopefully the pics turn out okay. Here's the male to female hermie. If you look close, towards the top, you can see the pistils popping out. They're a little hard to see cause they were so small. Unfortunately, this is the only pic I have of it...
  14. Cereal box

    Cereal box's 12/12fs CFL Perpetual Grow

    Still here, just adjusting to the new layout :) kinda weird looking on an ipad lol. I only have one good picture of the male, I'll post it up in a bit. It's hard to see the pistils cause they were really small. I'll post a pic update shortly but, everything's been looking good lately.
  15. Cereal box

    Male to Female hermie?? A few questions...

    i thought I had read something similar to this a while back. Might just have to do some more research before I do anything with it. If anyone else has more info, let me know! Just gonna sit on this for a while.
  16. Cereal box


    I've gotta say, those are some beautiful plants! Honestly a little jealous, mine aren't nearly as filled out yet! That top nug, damn! So big already haha. Looking really good. I can tell you'll be pleased with the outcome!:)
  17. Cereal box

    Switching back to vegitative please help!!

    It won't likely kill them. May stress them a bit but they should be okay. It will take them a few weeks to get used to the light change and revert back to veg though. Just to be clear though, what light cycle did you have them on and what cycle do you plan on changing to?
  18. Cereal box

    What size do you start feeding baby seedlings?

    I wait for the cotyledon leaves to yellow before I feed. That usually takes 3-4 weeks as Danny recommended.
  19. Cereal box

    Male to Female hermie?? A few questions...

    Thanks for the replies guys! Got the answers I needed. The seed came from some bud I had gotten. Figured it was self pollinated. Which would also help explain the hermie trait. Although, it could've still been an error on my behalf but, looks like it'll be a goner either way. Thanks again guys!
  20. Cereal box

    Male to Female hermie?? A few questions...

    Hey guys, I just realized my male Lemon Diesel plant starting growing pistils. It couldn't have been stress induced as it's very young still and definitely wasn't stressed. I was planning on collecting its pollen but, now I have a few questions. 1. Will it be able to pollinate its self now...