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  1. M

    OFFICIAL: Auto-flower Solo cup contest - Sign up here!

    this is what im working with so far. the leaves themselves are curling a bit around the edges. ive tied down the plant in an attempt to get some light to the the lower branches but ended up snapping it a bit. ive got a new light in and now i play the waiting game. @tek what do you think? hasnt...
  2. M

    OFFICIAL: Auto-flower Solo cup contest - Sign up here!

    problem could be with the lights. i havent swapped out since getting them a few months back and theyve been on constantly. idk though. its not my first time running from these particular sets, infact i just got a quarter off the last set....might be a lil immature but its cool for me. i have no...
  3. M

    OFFICIAL: Auto-flower Solo cup contest - Sign up here!

    i would say about 35-40 days (edit: my math could be off. they were germinated about 5 or so days before the contest officially started). ive heard that when autos arent completely stable that a switch is necessary to flower but again, im not sure if any of the things ive read is true because...
  4. M

    OFFICIAL: Auto-flower Solo cup contest - Sign up here!

    @tek ok, not very knowledgeable on autos, ive only grown one and it was a male. switched to 12/12. i guess there is still a small window to flower but like i said, imma mostly honest guy so if it doesnt show soon im going to drop from the comp. also, i agree w/ what was said about the chit chat...
  5. M

    OFFICIAL: Auto-flower Solo cup contest - Sign up here!

    came home and found my box unplugged and my plant eating itself. by the looks i would say its been in the dark for atleast 3-4 days. also, its been going for a while and not even the slightest sign of preflower. i was told these were auto from a friend of mine. you guys would call him a chucker...
  6. M

    New to this and in price negotiations.

    on the east side ( philly/nj) ppl pay top dollar for some shit that would prolly go for 150 tops in cali. especially ny. they will pay atleast 300 for some mids and 450 for some indoor wit no extra on it. idk why but i assumed he was from this side.
  7. M

    New to this and in price negotiations.

    i'll comment. mids in my area go for $200/ oz. resell would be between 250 and 300. some people would try to get 350. i personally wouldnt pay more than 250 for really good mid.
  8. M

    OFFICIAL: Auto-flower Solo cup contest - Sign up here!

    ctfu the hating on the MG is hilarious. seriously though lol. i use it because im broke as hell and it was free lol. why not right? i usually just dig from a nearby park and just water on 12/12. imtotally new to this and just seeing what i can do. ive read most of you guys grows. its an honor to...
  9. M

    OFFICIAL: Auto-flower Solo cup contest - Sign up here!

    i use moisture control too. ive never had a problem with starting anything in it but then again, i do make sure the soil is sopping wet and then let it get bone dry before adding water again. washes out some nutes but leaves enough for a few good weeks of growth without the burn.
  10. M

    OFFICIAL: Auto-flower Solo cup contest - Sign up here!

    sorry for the late posts. ive been VERY busy. I have some pics of my babies....that veg smell is so promising. Same strain but it seems like 2 different phenos. 1 is more sativa like while the other is more indica. The last pic of the top of this plant is with flash but its very close to the...
  11. M

    OFFICIAL: Auto-flower Solo cup contest - Sign up here!

    sorry for the loss, shtuff like that really hit home. smokin one for you and sendin good vibrations to ya avatar.
  12. M

    OFFICIAL: Auto-flower Solo cup contest - Sign up here!

    using miracle grow moisture control with some other stuff mixed in, but mainly mg. regular party style solo cups with drain holes grown indoor under cfl lighting 200 watt equivalent. feeding/watering with a homemade simple tea whenever they need it.
  13. M

    OFFICIAL: Auto-flower Solo cup contest - Sign up here!

    Aknight, should i use this thread to post pics or nah? not sure how it works besides growing.
  14. M

    OFFICIAL: Auto-flower Solo cup contest - Sign up here!

    I just saw this thread. i know its supposed t be auto but I have 2 going in cups right now, about 2 weeks old but i dont think they are stable. I havent seen any sex organs lol. is it too late to enter or have i started too early? it would also be my second documented grow but 4th all together...
  15. M

    PC Grow Journal

    Im actually doing a similar grow, though i dont have a current journal. I actually forgot about my seeds in the paper towel because ive been so busy but when i checked them, they cleared their shells completely. ever since, ive been wondering what would happen if i grew only in that medium and...
  16. M

    FIRST GROW 6 35w CFL's and two 25w CFL's on the side

    looks cool imo. you know the strain?
  17. M

    My First Micro Grow!!

    ok so i was planning on posting when they showed sex and this one if a male so im not gonna let it grow out. with that being said, this journal is now complete.
  18. M

    My First Micro Grow!!

    my fault yall. been kinda hectic around here. the purpose of 3 plants is because im using bagseed and wouldnt know the sex of the sprouted plants. 2 turned out to be male so i have 1 plant left. been running 12/12 the entire cycle. to all those are doubtful, the easiets way to keep plants short...
  19. M

    My First Micro Grow!!

    well you know how plants can sense other plants around them? i figured this and lsting plus the 12/12 cycle would keep them down. and if push comes to shove then imma take some shears to them lol i would say probably just under 2 ft of head space. i might use a small string screen as well to...
  20. M

    My First Micro Grow!!

    Just put 1 seed in the dirt. pics coming when they actually sprout.....then you get to see the box in action!