OFFICIAL: Auto-flower Solo cup contest - Sign up here!

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Well-Known Member
opened my box up at 6 am
booster fan motor hung up
105 f
no plants showing immediate damage
glad i caught it it runs 15 degrees hotter in the day usually


they should be fine tek, stuff like this has happened to me more than once and as long as the plants werent in there for multiple days u r OK, i noticed it takes about 2-3 days of 100plus temps before real damage starts to occur to the plant (damage that we can see)

whether or not it causes unseeable damager. im not sure

bird dog

Well-Known Member
Hey there AK and all you stoner friends I have'nt met yet. I can't wait for the start of the Auto contest AK is sponsoring. I'm getin stuff ready here now. Hell...look at the 16 once cup I picked up for 14.50 for my entry. It even has holes at the bottom already! Now, I have to find a container to put it into. I thought it might be a 20 oncer, but then I saw the writing on the side.


LMAO LMAO- yep...just finished some Airee!


Well-Known Member
Bird dog. Not to be a dick about it or anything but. did you make that ALL by yourself? lol....
Did you happen to try the spell check??
Ounces. :) you forgot the u :)
EDIT BUTTON?! lol just playin with ya buddy..

bird dog

Well-Known Member
Good call on my skills here stew! Now...I can't even edit it cause you buseted me already (lmao). Rock on... :weed:


Well-Known Member
Fell free to edit if you'd like. I have an edit post button too ;) If anything you editing the whole post would make ME look dumb afterwards hahahaha


Well-Known Member
I moved my outside baby to the outside today. I live in the woods on a big hill so wind is an issue with the cup. So I put it in a big pot with nails to hold it in place. Here's some pics in case it's an issue but I used rusty nails so you know I'm not trying to grow into the other pot below.012.jpg013.jpg


Well-Known Member
really was just worried about the party cups they're higher up on the canopy
any plants with actual size have a fan blowing under the canopy and above
could hear a loud ERRRRRRRR!!!!!!! funny thing is someone im my dream/nightmare was screaming my name
I think my plants were trying to communicate with me >.<

pics of the original 3 party cups
one moved up in the world and married for money and got a bomb ass new crib and has settled in
the other 2 are making it im hoping they get a complex and try to show the other sister up :)
2013-08-20 13.56.03.jpg


Well-Known Member
Well I told you guys I'd get some pics of these girls eventually so here they are! I havn't done my hybrid hydro setup yet as I havn't finished converting my veg room to hydro, and don't want to put the autos under 12/12 in my main tray seems like a waste.

First we have some pics of the critical cheese auto, 19 days from sprout and it is beginning to flower! I guess it really is an auto :).

Here is the bluecheese Auto. Also at 19 days, and I think it will be showing sex in the next week from the looks of her.



photo (8).jpgphoto (7).jpgphoto (6).jpgphoto (5).jpgphoto (4).jpgphoto (3).jpgphoto (2).jpg this is what im working with so far. the leaves themselves are curling a bit around the edges. ive tied down the plant in an attempt to get some light to the the lower branches but ended up snapping it a bit. ive got a new light in and now i play the waiting game.

@tek what do you think? hasnt showed sex yet. the pic above looks like a shoot is trying to grow from the side. i believe the problemwas with the light because just a hour after the change and it perked up a bit. also pics are before watering.

edit: now that i look at others, my plant isnt sh!t. sure smells good though lol


Staff member
its my birthday show me your party cups bitches! :) with a sign too saying happy birthday sunni and i will rep you with my 590+ rep points :D


Well-Known Member
2013-08-20 23.16.55.jpg

this one just wont stand up straight you guys are lucky its a photoperoid O.O im sooo j/k
2013-08-20 23.16.02.jpg

there you go Sunni and happy B-day what are you 19 now ? ;)
lol my stoner ass forgot the card >.<
ok got the card
go go gadget doodle skills
2013-08-20 23.46.20.jpgstupid camera with auto light correct sh!t


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2784915View attachment 2784916View attachment 2784917View attachment 2784919View attachment 2784920View attachment 2784921View attachment 2784922 this is what im working with so far. the leaves themselves are curling a bit around the edges. ive tied down the plant in an attempt to get some light to the the lower branches but ended up snapping it a bit. ive got a new light in and now i play the waiting game.

@tek what do you think? hasnt showed sex yet. the pic above looks like a shoot is trying to grow from the side. i believe the problemwas with the light because just a hour after the change and it perked up a bit. also pics are before watering.

edit: now that i look at others, my plant isnt sh!t. sure smells good though lol
hard to tell ill send you some pics of what im talking about ruderalis have this crazy 5 petal leaf and the tips get thin but kida fatten back up right at the tip like a backwards tear drop
its over a month and hasnt shown preflower ? plant looks good by the way


Well-Known Member
sunni got hearts.. If you were a guy you would have gotten X's lol..... I never just DOT the I.... :)


Well-Known Member
sunni got hearts.. If you were a guy you would have gotten X's lol..... I never just DOT the I.... :)
lol i gave her a x on the I and a doodle of a bump girl >.< now she's gonna think i was calling her a dude
thanks alot stew ;) jk bud trololol


its my birthday show me your party cups bitches! :) with a sign too saying happy birthday sunni and i will rep you with my 590+ rep points :d


for real.


Well-Known Member
well if you feel that strongly AK then maybe you should move to polar bear land
i mean could you imagine smoking a penguin out i bet theres some that have never been stoned in there life bongsmilie
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