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  1. new.b

    New.b's 400w DWC Blue Venom Grow

    Here are some shots under my new pocket microscope I got for cheap on Amazon (FTW!) I used sugar trim leaves from the middle colas. All Day 55 flower White Widow - Blue OG - Blue OG 2 - Jilly Bean - The White Widow appeared to have some amber trichs already. I'll look more closely at...
  2. new.b

    first attempt DWC with Blue Venom - G13 Labs

    Good luck, I used a very similar bucket for my Blue Venom grow... hopefully yours turns out a little better than mine did. :lol: not-so-pro tip: invest in a pH pen. you can find one with calibration solution on amazon for, like, 20 bucks. definitely a must have imo especially when you are...
  3. new.b

    New.b's 400w DWC Blue Venom Grow

    Ok guys, for those who saw this thread back when I was posting in October: I've learned a lot since. After my last post the plants that I had died. Well, to be more clear, they were flushed down the toilet because I thought they were dead. The problem started when I mixed in nutrients with an...
  4. new.b

    PS4 COD:Ghost

    Add me but I won't be back on until tomorrow. Can't wait to tear sh*t up with other RIU members!!
  5. new.b

    PS4 COD:Ghost

    Anybody here play Ghosts online? Feel free to add me! RyanDaPoke Also, I made a clan named BHO Pioneers - and if you are interested I would love to have some members
  6. new.b

    New.b's 400w DWC Blue Venom Grow

    I took out the wood and hung everything from the ceiling. It's awesome - and much quieter too! :lol: And I still have a few more things on my to-do list ;-)
  7. new.b

    New.b's 400w DWC Blue Venom Grow

    Plants are really beginning to put on some growth! I will post pictures on 10/19 so you can see the progress a week has made. I will also be making some adjustments to my room. I'm going to hang the fan off the ceiling with bungees to get the weight off the wooden frame. Right now I feel that...
  8. new.b

    2000w in 5x5

    You should check out hygrohybrid on youtube. the dude pulls a pound and a half off one plant in a 5'x5' space.. using one 600 watt bulb. :peace:
  9. new.b

    selfmedicator462's first grow!

    Looking nice. Subbing up
  10. new.b

    New.b's 400w DWC Blue Venom Grow

    Plants have been topped, root growth and plant growth are both looking great. I've been cooling the rez temps with ice packs, which has been working well for me. :peace:
  11. new.b

    G13 Cinderella 99 - Barney's Acapulco Gold - Snowhigh Pipe Dream Grow.

    I'm growing some of that C99 right now with slow growth as well but it seemed to pick up about three weeks in. :peace:
  12. new.b

    New.b's 400w DWC Blue Venom Grow

    Fed the girls. Thinking it's about time for the first top. :peace:
  13. new.b

    New.b's 400w DWC Blue Venom Grow

    I just replaced the rez with R/O water and a little Cal/Mag. Going to do a little 12 hour flush and then reintroduce the nutes. The roots are looking great; I'm anticipating a lot of growth this week! :peace:
  14. new.b

    Reverse osmosis system, wich is the best? (and economic too)

    I purchased mine for about 80 bucks on Amazon. All I needed to install was a faucet adapter (10 bucks on Amazon) and some teflon tape and that was it. It produces a gallon in about an hour and fifteen minutes. PPM is lowered from 200 to maybe 10.
  15. new.b

    New.b's 400w DWC Blue Venom Grow

    Hey guys, I've been checking the plants everyday to keep everything in check. Some of the things I've done are: - Check the pH. It was a little high so I lowered it. It definitely blows to use the test kit. It isn't really accurate. I aimed to get it near 6 from the lower end. - Monitor the...
  16. new.b

    New.b's 400w DWC Blue Venom Grow

    Just some more information for you guys today: I noticed the ppm got a little higher (up to almost 450 ppm) so I replaced about a gallon of my rez water with some R/O water and got the ppm's down to around 320. Its really nice to have a ppm meter to be able to do this. I rely on the pH to be in...
  17. new.b

    I want your General Hydroponics Flora 3-part series feeding schedule in Coco!!

    I'm interested to hear about this Gravity and Purple Maxx stuff. Right now I am using Cal/Mag and GMB, but I'm trying to pick up on some good nutes to make the most of my smallish grow space. :peace:
  18. new.b

    my super stealthy underground grow room

    Wicked cool grow area my man. Too bad I would have to bend down to fit haha. Seriously sweet though. :peace:
  19. new.b

    call my crazy 2x4 tent 1200w ???

    I would just use a 600w light in that space. Maybe even two 400w lights for each 3x3 area if you go the route of making your own area with some black/white poly. You're definitely going to take more time in planning with all the ventilation you would need. :peace:
  20. new.b

    New.b's 400w DWC Blue Venom Grow

    Hey guys, back with a quick update. The THC Bomb and Sour Diesel did not survive so now the grow is two Cinderella 99 plants. I germinated them about 5 days apart and grew them for a few weeks. Its hard to believe its been a month since my last post! The grow is going slowly, but it should pick...