you can wait don`t really need the nutes yet. i always wait till i get the 1st leaf set, before i even think about taking them out of the tray or feeding. everybody is different, but the plant can feed off the peat for a little while. those pucks can right into soil no need for a so called transplant, i mean you don`t have remove the stuff from the outside of the puck. this is just me i would leave them in the tray for atleat a few days or maybe a week. i understand this is your 1st grow so the 1st thing above all else your going to have to learn, patience. everything takes time, so try not to rush things along. just try and keep things simple till you get a feel for how everything works. this way if and when you make mistakes you can recover much easier, its easier to figure out the problems and keep things moving. so keep the pucks damp and slow roll and watch what happens and begin to enjoy the new hobby(life style). so far your headed in the right direction, so keep it up.