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  1. WhiteRhino

    CFL, Should i?

    Thinking of starting a new grow but with only 1 250w CFL, (blue and red) Blue for Veg Red for Flower I KNOW HPS HID lights are BETTER! But can anyone let me know What CFL Lights are like for FULL grows? useing blue and red spectrum at right time etc...... Will i get half decent...
  2. WhiteRhino


    Do you know any good websites that are good for ordering from? where i can get hold of some? looking to spend a bit under £60. UK sites preferred!
  3. WhiteRhino


    Are LED's worth the money? i was thinking of using them as i need to conserve energy and also there leww of a fire risk!! Any information, websites etc you've got Lay it on me! :bigjoint:
  4. WhiteRhino

    if i do use miracle gro...

    Asbestos does not desolve also so i wouldn't worry to much as it probably won't be taken in by the roots, Correct me if i'm wrong mind.
  5. WhiteRhino

    Oh Natural!

    I have actually got an old aquarium light Power-glo 18000K 14W that produces about 46 lux would that even help them threw the grow stages while i invest in a lamp for flowering? I ve tucked it away and just forgot about it, but it was for a marine tank, (used to be a fish nut, lol) and the...
  6. WhiteRhino

    Oh Natural!

    Really? no suggestions? Aw well.
  7. WhiteRhino

    Oh Natural!

    I am trying to grow cannabis on as minimum a budget as possible, so i ve got a decent grade of soil, i am not using any lights as i am sure that i get enough sunlight on a day time threw windows etc, i may invest in a fan for ciruclating air and thermometer/hygrometer to stay on top of things...
  8. WhiteRhino

    How do i get oils?

    so could this be done with clippings? instead of freezing and patting threw a sive? rolling out etc....
  9. WhiteRhino

    How do i get oils?

    I am a bit ahead of myself here as i have only reached early early stages of growing, but i have always wondered where and how do you get oils form a female plant? It all cam about when i got a little book Joint rollers handbook for my bDay, and flick threw only to find a cannabis cigar...
  10. WhiteRhino

    Close Call

    Is that about me? none of my mates got ripped off, they got realised about 20 mins after me i picked them up from the police station after...... might of just been the way i told it! but i would never rip a mate off. Unless you were talking about the RaStA's story? and if you were, well i just...
  11. WhiteRhino

    Close Call

    It should be fucking legal here by now!!!! there's scarier shit happening! then a few stoners blazing up:joint: I ve been arrested for possesion, back in 2006! was off me nut me and two pals just blazed when two police cars pull up! one to the right one right behind no escpae, we had an o...
  12. WhiteRhino

    Welcome New Members!

    i am the start of my process, i ve built a secure grow room, in a safe discreet place ;~), and the seeds are germinating, i understand that cannabis can grow quick and was wondering when is it best to start introducing wind (fan) to strengthing the stalk and actually supporting the stalk?? with...