we were all chilin and had chippd for sum weed we all bund a spliff each and one of my m8s didnt want to but little did he know we stitchd him up haha 5 mins l8er after we smoked our spliffs he decided to bun his up soon as he sparkd it a police car turnd up and he ran in to a bush n chukd it in police searchd them all and searchd the bush they found the joint and my m8 was shitin his pants because it is now a classb here in England lol the police ripped it open and said its only a rollie my m8s face changd haha close call that wernt it gud job we stitchd im up and smoked our spliffs before they come lol jus as we chukd roach away they turnd up lol he was guted so we chipd im on anuva smoke later on