Close Call


Active Member
we were all chilin and had chippd for sum weed we all bund a spliff each and one of my m8s didnt want to but little did he know we stitchd him up haha 5 mins l8er after we smoked our spliffs he decided to bun his up soon as he sparkd it a police car turnd up and he ran in to a bush n chukd it in police searchd them all and searchd the bush they found the joint and my m8 was shitin his pants because it is now a classb here in England lol the police ripped it open and said its only a rollie my m8s face changd haha close call that wernt it gud job we stitchd im up and smoked our spliffs before they come lol jus as we chukd roach away they turnd up lol he was guted so we chipd im on anuva smoke later on


Active Member
It should be fucking legal here by now!!!!

there's scarier shit happening! then a few stoners blazing up:joint:

I ve been arrested for possesion, back in 2006! was off me nut me and two pals just blazed when two police cars pull up! one to the right one right behind no escpae, we had an o, but we blagged that said it was shared equal, no dealing going on at all just a nice session! well any way, cuffs are on and back to the station, searched, cell, interview prints the full biz then no sooner am i out of police custody am i given a lift of the same rozzer who arrested me, back to my car, free to "drive" home!

It gets better, i sit back in my car shake myself off wondering what the fuck just happened! do i find a bud sat next to my hand brake!!! lol!

close call, to close. well very fucking close!


Active Member
Close call indeed, but that was a bit harsh to rip off your mate like that i reckon.
Is that about me? none of my mates got ripped off, they got realised about 20 mins after me i picked them up from the police station after...... might of just been the way i told it! but i would never rip a mate off. Unless you were talking about the RaStA's story? and if you were, well i just look like a dick now don't i.:?


Active Member
i was chilin friday and got arested for posesion of cannabis they took me to the police station n tuk my phone the cheeky nosey basta*** they searchd my entire phone n had seen the a picture of my cannabis plant and my bike in the corner of the piccy (i tuk the picture befor i went out erlier that nite) as i were talking to the policeman he said wel anyway shut up and dyu want a warrant to search your house or not i said do whatever and then i said you wont find anythin he started laughing and said im sure il find something in your garage greenhouse or whatever it is that has the bike in the corner i clikd on and thought shi* but PHEW my dad wernt dumb enough to leave it there he rippd it out of its roots and put it in his poket while police searchd my house they found a cannabis grinder and seized it haha and when my dad come t the police station he rememberd he had it in his poket and threw it in the bin but then he thought twice haha he was paranoid about cameras so he pikd it up out of the bin and kept it in his poket
i got left with a caution and sent home



Active Member
i was chilin friday and got arested for posesion of cannabis they took me to the police station n tuk my phone the cheeky nosey basta*** they searchd my entire phone n had seen the a picture of my cannabis plant and my bike in the corner of the piccy (i tuk the picture befor i went out erlier that nite) as i were talking to the policeman he said wel anyway shut up and dyu want a warrant to search your house or not i said do whatever and then i said you wont find anythin he started laughing and said im sure il find something in your garage greenhouse or whatever it is that has the bike in the corner i clikd on and thought shi* but PHEW my dad wernt dumb enough to leave it there he rippd it out of its roots and put it in his poket while police searchd my house they found a cannabis grinder and seized it haha and when my dad come t the police station he rememberd he had it in his poket and threw it in the bin but then he thought twice haha he was paranoid about cameras so he pikd it up out of the bin and kept it in his poket
i got left with a caution and sent home

Lol, goes to show, don't try to show your babeys off if you don't wanna get fucked! :bigjoint: