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  1. benzo

    Is this a male?

    no u will know if there ballz looks 2 early, are u keeping light on 24 or 12/12 ?
  2. benzo

    Its been very hard to get weed in cali lately...(I Am Not Tryin To Find Weed)

    Hey bro no offense but it all depends on who u know, no matter where u are peace good luck with ur grow:weed:
  3. benzo

    website for clones

    No there is not, and yes some seed suppliers ship 2 the us if u just so happened 2 live in the us :mrgreen:
  4. benzo

    Benzo's "halloween 250 grow" check out pics

    :mrgreen: Okay heres the interview of the plants pic and info 12-5-08 Pic 1 - This is my oldest and best lookin plant sex unknown?:weed: Pic 2 - This is my second best lookin plant really green + healthy sex unknown? also younger than 1st pic:-D Pic 3 - This is a shot of my 3rd best plant...
  5. benzo

    post your smoking utensil

    okay heres a pic of what im working with i know the last one just sliped in there..........:leaf::mrgreen:
  6. benzo

    The Best Grow Journels # 1

    Hey cool never came across this one, dam looks like a alot 2 read:mrgreen: thanks happy growin+smokin peace
  7. benzo

    The Best Grow Journels # 1

    hey what did i say stop being a prick we all know u can spell:finger: this is not what the thread is 4
  8. benzo

    Teenage smoking story time

    I remeber back in high school i had this young mormon english teacher who use 2 stand in front of the door and great the students as they walked in the class room at the begining of class well one day me and a buddy smoked a fat bowl in a homemade pipe in the bathroom during passing period and...
  9. benzo

    The Best Grow Journels # 1

    thanks for being a prick I droped out of high school 4 a reason do u have a great journel 2 submit ? if not shut up :finger:
  10. benzo

    Show it off come on everyone

    Heres some shots of my plants under a 250 w HPS in a closet im growing some bagseed please feel free 2 comment peace
  11. benzo

    Teenage smoking story time

    :mrgreen:All of the stories are great keep them coming
  12. benzo

    Cheap way to keep hps heat low?

    Anybody know where to pick up cheap squirrel cage fans or "dayton" type fans
  13. benzo

    The Best Grow Journels # 1

    Well after do some searching around the grow journel section I have found alot of great journels and many more crap journels, So I decided 2 dedicate this thread 2 all the great journels out there so please help me out and post links 2 grow journels that show big buds or are just blow your mind...
  14. benzo

    Benzo's "halloween 250 grow" check out pics

    Well heres some shots of my babys, I woke up today roasted a bowl in my bubbler and transpalnted the biggest of "the twins" into bigger container and murdered the other 2 small ones. Now all plants are in their own containers. Iam down to 8 plants with about 5 good ones the other 3 look small...
  15. benzo

    heat issues

    Possibly try a cool tube set up, they are the most efficent when tryin 2 cut down on heat build up in the grow area but I woulnt worry about it if temps are 88F good luck happy growin+smokin peace
  16. benzo

    Benzo's "halloween 250 grow" check out pics

    :mrgreen: Update 12-1-08 :mrgreen: Well im surprised 2 say 7 out of 8 seeds sprouted into nice green babys and anothor sprout poped up next 2 the twins,anywayz I think my idea of douseing the soil with 8-7-6 nutes when I started was a good idea the new plants are really green with large leaf...
  17. benzo


    Wal-Mart employee all I have 2 say is easiest $10 an hour job I have ever worked been doing it for years and my place of work serves as a excellent spot 2 unload my harvest and I can smoke whenever I feel like it.And im still fairly young guy so I wouldnt say it was a career its a J-O-B. Only...
  18. benzo

    ATTN Apartment growers

    My tip 2 u keep it in the closets, and alwayz be there when there is a "unit inspection" or repair and if ur apartment allows dogz get one and if ur going with hps do not exceed over 400 watts. I personally been growing in my apartment for years with a 250 hps in the patio closet. ps check out...
  19. benzo

    Growing with LED's?????

    dont waste ur time and money there pieces of sh*t better off with hps and no its not a breakthough its a f*ckin disgrace 2 the indoor grow world do some more reading how 2 grow a plant :finger: im tired of people talking about those pieces of crap
  20. benzo

    Benzo's "halloween 250 grow" check out pics

    yeah yeah I know im just gonna let it grow, all the others from now on will be one per container. It was just a tester 2 see if I could grow in the high heat temps I found out its possible peace ps - what the f*ck are canna butter rice crispy treats :confused: I heard of bud brownies