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  1. NirvanaLover

    5 G's

    So you have 5 grand to spend on a grow room what would you buy? This grow room has nothing at all so it needs everything. The room is 11 feet by 12 feet by 9 feet tall and will be divided accordingly. The walls are flat white and the floor is bare and there is 2 windows at either end of the...
  2. NirvanaLover

    8th week flowering why she still growing!

    i think that bud is covered in mold and should be sent to me ASAP for proper disposal;-)! bongsmilie
  3. NirvanaLover

    My 35 day old hermie

  4. NirvanaLover

    My 35 day old hermie

    she is doing good as a matter of fact im going to be chopping the top half of her down tonite and letting the bottom half grow out some more. here are a few pics as of yesterday. and i will keep you updated on the yield.
  5. NirvanaLover

    My 35 day old hermie

    i mainly tie it down after i start flower. basically i bend most of the larger branches down to get them even with the smaller branches that way the whole plant gets full light. Most who LST start in veg but i've been getting good results with what i've been doing so i just leave it. For light i...
  6. NirvanaLover

    My 35 day old hermie

  7. NirvanaLover

    Help my plants are too tall for my grow area

    Bend and tie up for sure i can guarantee you will be amazed with the results.
  8. NirvanaLover

    My 35 day old hermie

    yea if i did more than one plant at a time i would be worried about pollinating other plants but since she is the only one no worries lol so no killing of plants here unless they are male
  9. NirvanaLover

    My 35 day old hermie

    What type of light are you using for veg? i never top my plants just lots of bending. personally i like LST far better than topping. IMO you get better results. what ever you want to know just feel free to ask.
  10. NirvanaLover

    My 35 day old hermie

    not sure but i am assuming so thats why im not mad that she hermied. Well that and the fact that i think i might pull at least a 1/2 lb off of her.
  11. NirvanaLover

    My 35 day old hermie

    Any one wanna try and guess the yield i have about 25-35 days left
  12. NirvanaLover

    best strain?

    Reclining Buddha and Blue Moonshine
  13. NirvanaLover

    My 35 day old hermie

    No CFLs just a 1000w Hortalux HPS with the PL reflector in an aircooled hood
  14. NirvanaLover

    My 35 day old hermie

    I'm assuming naturally since this is the first Hermie Ive gotten in about 10 grows in this room, and this is the first time Ive used femmed seeds.
  15. NirvanaLover

    My 35 day old hermie

    Here is some better pics. Enjoy
  16. NirvanaLover

    My 35 day old hermie

    No topping involved. Pretty much just tied her up when i got her into my flower closet. My veg closet might have something to do with it also. I made a light board with 12 4ft floros that equals 480w and each light is only about 1/8 of an inch apart, and i used some mylar on the back of...
  17. NirvanaLover

    My 35 day old hermie

    Thanks Dro. yea she is a beast and she smells and tastes so sweet already, and man for only being half way done she sure packs a punch. i cant wait for day 70 lol
  18. NirvanaLover

    Nirvana Seeds

    HAHA my name says what i think about Nirvana.
  19. NirvanaLover

    My 35 day old hermie

    Here is my 35 day old with 35 days to go blue moonshine hermie. She was started from fem. seed from DP. Vegged for 1 1/2 months. She/He is very spread out on male flowers and when i see them i pull them off very carefully. Luckily the only seeds i have seen are on the lower braches and another...
  20. NirvanaLover

    Hermie? 1 week of flowering

    I am growing out a hermie and i have been just pulling off the pollen sacs when i can find them. its can get tough though and you will end up with some seeds here and there but in the end you still have some bomb ass dank:joint: here are some pics