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  1. Sinse Milla

    My first 150hps closet grow!

    So the leafs on the cheese are not looking that good, so i figured it was time for a flush on 9/1/2013 (day 52). Flushed with 5 gallons and sledgehammer Also i chopped down the poison 9/3/2013 (day 52) with a wet weight of 44.3 grams. Maybe a quarter after cure! its not alot, but im happy...
  2. Sinse Milla

    First grow any advice??? \o/

    some reflection is better then no reflection! as long as the bucket can drain fine, i would not add more holes. keep it up and you are going to have a nice pair of girls!
  3. Sinse Milla

    First grow any advice??? \o/

    The light cycle not the nutes will put them into flower. and yes that ppm pen will do just fine. As far as light goes, the more the better. But you should get a good harvest off 280 watts. Then check your electric bill for the kWh
  4. Sinse Milla

    First grow any advice??? \o/

    Just drill out a few holes at the bottom and the drainage should be okay. As far as taking a long time to dry out, most likely the pot is big for the root system. I kinda had the same problem with water sticking around, but it stops when the girl got a little bigger. Around a gallon should be...
  5. Sinse Milla

    First grow any advice??? \o/

    you should be watering each plant as needed. a nice way to tell when to water is by the weight of the bucket as its quite light when dry. when watering, keep going till about 10% of the water drains out the bottem. hope that helps
  6. Sinse Milla

    First grow any advice??? \o/

    hey there hows it going? you got some nice looking plants there! im a new grower as well, almost at my first harvest! looking at your pictures, i would get rid of the tin foil and use mylar or panda film. a ppm pen might also be beneficial. and just be sure you have space in the closet because...
  7. Sinse Milla

    My first 150hps closet grow!

    Finally done with all my finals and what not so now to make up for lost time! here is the cheese on 8/18/2013 day 38 then her she is on 8/25/2013, day 45 she just keeps swelling! Here is that auto poison on 8/25/2013, day 43 from seed. she smells sooo fruity and starting to get orange...
  8. Sinse Milla

    My first 150hps closet grow!

    Actually yes, im actually gathering the supplies right now for a dwc scrog grow! i would have a screen in there now but i got to remake tent door so i can still take it out and water and what not. But if you can see from the poison, i have been learning to train. Next round will be train wreck...
  9. Sinse Milla

    My first 150hps closet grow!

    Thanks eastcoastmo i appreciate the support! Here is a few more pictures of the cheese taken on the 7th(day 28) Then here is the cheese that i took today the 11th(Day 31) Hopefully just past the halfway mark! Then just a quick pic of the auto poison i got going under cfls (Day 29 from seed)
  10. Sinse Milla

    My first 150hps closet grow!

    Been busy with studying for finals and what not so this is kinda late. But here is the cheese on the 3rd(day 24) Ill post some current ones when i get back from taking this final...wish me luck
  11. Sinse Milla

    My first 150hps closet grow!

    These were taken on the 25th (day 15). i moved the ppms up to 1200 for the cheese. The cheese is starting to get a lot of white hairs, witch means buds are on the way! from what i can tell her and the poison(the last picture) are looking healthy. I also replaced my old crappy inline fan from...
  12. Sinse Milla

    My first 150hps closet grow!

    So this is day 8 of flower for the cheese. i flushed her on the 13th with 2.5 gallons of water and bushmaster sledge hammer, then on the 17th i fed her half of the nuts that fox farm recommends. She grew quite a bit overnight and when i got home from work today she was touching the light and got...
  13. Sinse Milla

    miracle grow singles.... help???

    You can get some vermiculite, perlite, peatmoss, and some dolomite lime to make your own soiless mix but you will still need nutrients...even with fox farm soil you will eventually need to add nutrients. P.s. lolol dog shit
  14. Sinse Milla

    miracle grow singles.... help???

    yeah better soil and nuts would be ideal. but as he said he does not have the funds nor the availability of products at the local stores. The guy was feeding 1/2 tbs every 7 days with just crap tap water and it had decent results. as god here said you should not need to fed for another week or 2
  15. Sinse Milla

    miracle grow singles.... help???

    i would do it, as its better then is a video i found of a guy experimenting with the miracle grow nutrients hope that helps
  16. Sinse Milla

    Trouble Calculating CFM/Carbon needed

    yeah your better exceeding your need, instead of falling short and cooking your girls
  17. Sinse Milla

    Window a/c box question

    build the a/c unit into the tent if you can. other then that idk how to advoid that automatic sensor
  18. Sinse Milla

    Question about room set up

    i guess it all depends on how much heat your generating in your closet. if the closet door is vented i think it would be fine to leave it outside the closet.
  19. Sinse Milla

    My first 150hps closet grow!

    So I gave my roonmate the shark to put in his box so i can focus on the cheese. But question is how much water should i use to flush a 3.5gallon bucket?
  20. Sinse Milla

    My first 150hps closet grow!

    Thank you! and i plan to upload pictures at least once a week and updates inbetween:joint: