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  1. B

    Should I Start Flowering?

    Ok thanks for the replies
  2. B

    Should I Start Flowering?

    My baby is about 6inches tall and I was wondering if i should start it on the 12/12 cycle since i only have 4700 lumen CFLs. I've read that the plant doubles in size during flowing and i don't think I have enough lumens for a 20 inch plant. Any Suggestions?
  3. B

    Droopy plant with spotted leaves

    The plant still seems to be growing quite well though, good pace and very nice looking new leaves...its only one layer of leaves that were affected with the yellow you think leaving it as is and hold off on watering for a few days will be sufficient for its remaining growth
  4. B

    Droopy plant with spotted leaves

    i thought it might be too much water. I'm growing in a closet with good ventilation and i'm using miracle grow potting mix. i'm also feeding it with miracle grow all purpose plant food(24-8-16) every two weeks. Could the spots have come from heat? it has been as close as 95 degrees near the...
  5. B

    Droopy plant with spotted leaves

    Does anyone know what i'm doing wrong to make my plant dropy and develop yellow spots on the lower leaves. I'm using 4700 lumen flourescents and water about 200ml once a day.