Should I Start Flowering?


Active Member
My baby is about 6inches tall and I was wondering if i should start it on the 12/12 cycle since i only have 4700 lumen CFLs. I've read that the plant doubles in size during flowing and i don't think I have enough lumens for a 20 inch plant. Any Suggestions?


satman rocks

Well-Known Member
you are right....start flowering and add all the cfl's you can afford....consider topping also,to keep the plant will be easier to keep a short bushy plant lit up


Well-Known Member
I agree with Satman but I'd top then wait 3 days or so after topping and then start flowering. I always like to give a little veg time after topping but this is just personal preference. Get another CFL light of two WITH reflectors.


Well-Known Member
Theres no logic in flowering a plant less then 18" get what...a joint ? I doubt that sex has even shown at this juncture.. Try to throw a 46w cfl in the mix (if none) and get some vegetation.. As for topping...its a moot point on a small plant if your plans are to harvest quickly..I topped mine at 6" the offshoots are about 20" long..topping work only if you let it grow to its peek height...topping is a good plan for the next crop..It's just that to take the time to germ., water, and grow the plant , you want maximum output...... IMO
Luck...whatever your choice..
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satman rocks

Well-Known Member
I agree with Satman but I'd top then wait 3 days or so after topping and then start flowering. I always like to give a little veg time after topping but this is just personal preference. Get another CFL light of two WITH reflectors.
Exactly right,what I shouda said ^^^^:joint:

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
Theres no logic in flowering a plant less then 18" get what...a joint ? I doubt that sex has even shown at this juncture.. Try to throw a 46w cfl in the mix (if none) and get some vegetation.. As for topping...its a moot point on a small plant if your plans are to harvest quickly..I topped mine at 6" the offshoots are about 20' long..topping work only if you let it grow to its peek height...topping is a good plan for the next crop..It's just that to take the time to germ., water, and grow the plant , you want maximum output...... IMO
Luck...whatever your choice..
Very good point,twisty....the point is that if you truly want it to reach its full have to commit.more lights,heat and smell,all which have to be dealt with....if you can't do that,then maybe outdoor gardening would be better suited for is a good alternative in some situations.....

ballin jack

Well-Known Member
Taht plant looks like it's got some nute burn or something, the leaves look pretty dry. R u using a lot of nutes?


Well-Known Member
Hey man, I would wait til yeah at least 18 inches and you will definitally need more lights. placing cfls around the side helps allot with the lower half of the plant. If i was going just one plant like that I would have four 23watt or 2 40+ watt ones over the top and 2 or 4 around the sides.

And uhm, am I not seeing fluorescent tubes over your plants? CFLS are the spiral bulbs u use in your house lights. Those lights are not going to work for flowering. Get warm cfls\.,

Oh and tube flouros have the highest light intensity in the middle, so put it there, what lights are those exactly?

The 23 watt warm ones are a buck a piece and you can get the sockets and splitters for around 10 bucks. See my first setup, it would be enough to flower one plant.

Those are the double outdoor swivil light fixtures with splitters and 23 watt $1 warm cfls. Easily expandable to better cfls but cheap. Of course you have to wire this yourself... House wiring (AC) is so easy though.

Yeah what nutes U using, they dont need much right now. I just use superthrive for the first 2 weeks.

And just my preference, I like to top once after the third set of nodes and remove the lower braches.
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