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  1. T

    Long time smoker, First time grower. Lighting suggestions?

    Thanks everyone! all of these comments have been really helpful. CFL sounds like the go but i will check out the HPS also when i go to the hardware store later. I just went out this morning and got some lime. Any other recommendations for what soils ect to pick up? i plan on getting some...
  2. T

    Long time smoker, First time grower. Lighting suggestions?

    Hey guys i thought newbie central would be the best for this thread. Anyways i want to start my first indoor grow (cupboard) i have been doing some research on lights and i have been looking at LED vs CFL .. I was wondering whats everyones preferences? are LED a good choice or can you recommend...
  3. T

    Yellow tips on leaves seedling

    Hahah yeh i just never thought of growing while i was there was too busy smoking.
  4. T

    Yellow tips on leaves seedling

    Well the fert was just from my garage but it was for citrus trees and such. I used to work in nurseries only if i still did i could get the best ferts for free :)
  5. T

    Yellow tips on leaves seedling

    Oh ok yeh after i transplanted it, It just shot up straight away but the first 2 fan leaves died off yesturday so i was just worried if like every leaf i get will die off. But thanks for the help. When do think i should fertalise it?
  6. T

    Yellow tips on leaves seedling

    Wow nice quick reply man. Well like a week ago i used some on and realised i fucked up and shouldnt have haha so i repotted it up with fresh new soil then it started to shoot up again. Could it just be from that or?
  7. T

    Yellow tips on leaves seedling

    My plants bit over 2 weeks old. I put him outside most of the day then bring him inside at night time under a lamp and a fan. The tips of the leaves are starting to go yellow. Any help would be appreaciated
  8. T

    My journey

    Hows it going man? Thought i would come check out your grow journal And its looking fucking nice man. Thanks for the advice on my plant also its holding up good now and i see some new growth happening. Take it easy
  9. T

    A noob with a poor plant yellow leaves

    Twistyman. I usualy water just a tiny bit everyday so i guess thats where i have gone wrong.Working at nurseries im so used to watering all the other plants everyday haha. Time to stop tht habbit. Thanks
  10. T

    A noob with a poor plant yellow leaves

    Thank you all heaps for the advice. I have worked in 2 nurseries before so i dont know why i decided to fertalize it i must have been high :P yeh i think i have been over watering so im going to let it dry out before i water it again. All of you have been so much help. Iam also germinating some...
  11. T

    Happy outside young'uns

    Wow looking very good my friend. Wish i could grow in my backyard like that. Too many snoops haha. Want to share the harvest ? :) just kidding haha
  12. T

    A noob with a poor plant yellow leaves

    Sorry about the shit picture also. Thats camera phones for you.
  13. T

    A noob with a poor plant yellow leaves

    Ok so heres the deal im a total noob i just had some seeds so i thought Fuck it theres no harm in growing. I germinated the seeds and things were going well. I have the plant outside during the day and bring it in at night time and just put it under a lamp. The stem stretched so i re potted it...
  14. T

    Eep..Help...leaves are all droopy.

    Same fucking thing happend to me. I fertalised it to early and it drooped but i just repotted it then with new soil so hopefully it can survive. Good luck