Yellow tips on leaves seedling


Active Member
My plants bit over 2 weeks old.
I put him outside most of the day then bring him inside at night time under a lamp and a fan.
The tips of the leaves are starting to go yellow.
Any help would be appreaciated



Active Member
Wow nice quick reply man.
Well like a week ago i used some on and realised i fucked up and shouldnt have haha so i repotted it up with fresh new soil then it started to shoot up again.
Could it just be from that or?


Well-Known Member
well the fert may have gotten to it. thats wat the pic looks like but im not possitive. but it sound alike the transplant may done the trick if its growing well agine. but leafs die off naturally anyways so it culd be nothing


Active Member
Oh ok yeh after i transplanted it, It just shot up straight away but the first 2 fan leaves died off yesturday so i was just worried if like every leaf i get will die off.
But thanks for the help.
When do think i should fertalise it?


Well-Known Member
wait atleast a couple weeks, maybe more.. flush them good now with fresh water... and when u do start ferting, use about 1/4 of the recomended..


Active Member
Well the fert was just from my garage but it was for citrus trees and such.
I used to work in nurseries only if i still did i could get the best ferts for free :)


hi im a 1st time grower, the plant is about 4 weeks old, but ive noticed since ive started flowering, the newly growing leaves are light green and noticed today that the tips on sum of the leaves are turning a bright yellow, the plant looks really healthy. but is this normal?