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  1. gettenblown

    At the Cow

    i was on the way to the expo with a van full of close friends and our tire got a flat on 280 north and we were stuck on the side of the freeway for five hours cause the tow truck couldnt find if any of you seen a bunch of hippys on the side of 280 that day that would be me. never made it...
  2. gettenblown

    what shoud i do? spider mites, 8 weeks flowering...

    i recently just faced this prob with my most recent cycle.i was told to go to bed bath a beyond and buy a steamer and treat it three times a the week before you cut. i did not use this method personally i just stuck the plants outside for two days befor i cut them and the cold from the night...
  3. gettenblown

    using humboldts gravity during N deficiency?

    you should be good just use half of what it tells you cause it can really screw up and burn your plants. other then that make sure you flush really good..
  4. gettenblown

    curious new "cutting edge solutions" heard of em?

    i use cutting edge solutions its killer man. my local hydrostore turned me on it a couple years ago. i went to this expo they had on Thursdays and the CES ppl where there one day handing out sample boxs of all the stuff you just mentioned. i was with three other buddys so they each got there...
  5. gettenblown

    White Berry harvest PICS

    proper.nice post.
  6. gettenblown

    Whats the best carb/sweetener to use when flushing?

    word, canna is the shit.last cycle i used cutting edge's sugaree which worked well im just curious what the best supplement is for my girls.
  7. gettenblown

    Whats the best carb/sweetener to use when flushing?

    Any body have any recommendations?
  8. gettenblown

    Whats the best way to treat Mites when flowering?

    ..yeah i didnt think there was a product safe for budding ..ill try the sticky tape and hope for the best. what should i do for this next cycle now that i have mites in my room besides dip in avid and bug bomb the shit outa the rooms? thanks gb
  9. gettenblown

    Whats the best way to treat Mites when flowering?

    please help me out guys im in a crises.i been using Einstein oil and a q tip juss carefully removing webs not getting it even close to any of the colas.what is the best method to remove these suckers when flowering cause they couldnt have came at a worse time! thanks..
  10. gettenblown

    get at me if ur from scc!

    get at me if ur from scc!
  11. gettenblown

    Indica Bagseed in the spirit closet

    looking forward to seeing the results.. subscribed.
  12. gettenblown

    santa cruz mnts... good to see locals on riu

    santa cruz mnts... good to see locals on riu
  13. gettenblown

    good to see someones holding it down for santa cruz..

    good to see someones holding it down for santa cruz..
  14. gettenblown

    "he got vortexed!"

    amstercruz county!sc mountains!
  15. gettenblown

    vortex smell

    need to get me some vortex..
  16. gettenblown

    PTK..Peach Tree Kush

    Anyone know anything about this strain?
  17. gettenblown

    Purple Urkel, what beats it?

    Blue moonshine is a good strain to grown especially in sc. it gets gigantic and is mold resistant. its one of those sativas that dont stop growing. they made it through the storm last year around flowing time in flying colors when it was a week or two away from being pulled. no bud rot or nutin!
  18. gettenblown

    what to do with Gangster Deer?

    how about just stakes and chicken wire around ur grow..there you go... or if ur a lazy sob like me there is a product that all my homies swear by called liquid can find at most nurserys or hydro shops.
  19. gettenblown

    So is NYC Diesel worth it?

    wouldnt fuck with the strain personally..its takes for fucking ever to can find sativas with way shorter flowing periods..though there is nothing like smoking on some properly cured nyc desil.some of the stoneyest sativa around.