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  1. D

    Should I harvest these plants yet?

    I dont have a magnifying glass but do you think its safe enough to just pick it when the white hairs have turned brown?
  2. D

    Should I harvest these plants yet?

    Hi, I've got this little plant growing outside and it looks like it's getting close to being ready. I'm not sure if I should cut it now or wait a bit?
  3. D

    How do these plants look so far?

    anyone else?
  4. D

    How do these plants look so far?

    I just checked on them today after a week and they've definitely grown at least somewhat. These are some pictures I took today Also the plants with the most bud on them have started to loose most of the leave idk why though.I took a pictures of one... is this supposed to happen and should I...
  5. D

    How do these plants look so far?

    Wow sounds good hope your right!
  6. D

    How do these plants look so far?

    alright well id be more than happy with anything to smoke off these guys! And ok I think ill try doing it that way if I try it again next spring.
  7. D

    How do these plants look so far?

    Aww alright :( maybe next next
  8. D

    How do these plants look so far?

    Nope never said any were hermi, I'm pretty sure they are all female. And I actually did start them early in april but they grew very slow since the only place I have for them is low light.
  9. D

    How do these plants look so far?

    Hi, I've got five plants growing outside in the woods. There obviously less than ideal but I hope their doing relatively ok considering their in a shady area where it doesn't get too warm. Im not sure what you call it but some have started growing flower buds (?) and others still have only...
  10. D

    Can you tell the sex of these plants??

    Anyone else have any input on the sex if them?
  11. D

    Can you tell the sex of these plants??

    Aww ok :/ and Im in massachusetts
  12. D

    Can you tell the sex of these plants??

    Ok well glad I didn't pull up that plant for nothing then!
  13. D

    Can you tell the sex of these plants??

    Hi, so I've got about 7 plants growing outside in the woods. There definitely far from ideal because I pretty much just planted them and came back a few weeks later but I'm pretty surprised they actually made it this far. Anyways, their starting to show signs of the sex at least I think they...
  14. D

    Can these plants be sexed yet??

    Hi, I have a few plants growing outside. I think there starting to go into the reproductive stage now but I can't tell if they are able to be sexed yet. Here are some pictures... There somewhat blurry so I don't know if you can actually tell the sex but hopefully it shows enough to tell if the...
  15. D

    How do these plants look so far?

    Here are some close up pictures I took... Sorry it's kinda blurry. Can you tell from these if its early enough to be able to sex them? thanks
  16. D

    How do these plants look so far?

    Ok I think ill try to move at least a few. I mixed a bucket off half compost with half soil and I'm planning on adding this to the new holes I plant them in. Is this mixture ok or is that too much compost? And also when I replant them should I try to bury them up to the first set of leaves so...
  17. D

    How do these plants look so far?

    Ok thanks and do you think they are going to grow any bigger or are they just going to go into flowering?
  18. D

    How do these plants look so far?

    Hi, so a while ago back in march I planted some seeds that I bought from a seed company. That was four months ago but the growth was really slow in the beginning because I didnt heat the soil or anything. Once it was warm enough I planted them outside in the woods by a pond. I know that's not...