Should I harvest these plants yet?


New Member
Hi, I've got this little plant growing outside and it looks like it's getting close to being ready. I'm not sure if I should cut it now or wait a bit?


Active Member
I would guess no but you can only tell if you look very closely (with a magnifying glass or camera) at the trichomes. If the trichomes are 70%+ milky, not amber and not clear, then yes its time. Not until then unless you absolutely have to.


New Member
I dont have a magnifying glass but do you think its safe enough to just pick it when the white hairs have turned brown?


Active Member
I have an outdoor up here on the 49th parallel. It is getting 31/32 right now (light frosts) I would leave it out another week or so. Cover it if you have too. It is still throwing young pistils from what I see which tells me it still has a little fight left. I have a nine footer outside that is still rocking. Just watch your temps, looks like its getting close, a week can make a big difference, I would say you can take her anytime but try and squeeze another 7-9 days out of her. Without looking at the trichs, the rest of the plant says very close..


Active Member
Getting close for sure, I am 6. Its getting down to it no doubt. If you haven't frosted yet just let her keep turning, Late October is pushing the envelope but some strains just want the extra time.