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  1. brassneck

    pros and cons of autoflower: please provide info

    ive had nothing but trouble frm autos , changing sex , not flowering under 24hr or 18/6 which meant setting another room to bud them on 12/12 and after all that low yeilds and smoke not the best , ive had sum 8week autos goin for 16 weeks now and there only just starting to flower wtf , ill be...
  2. brassneck

    Auto afghan kush ryder , 56 days with pics

    how do i tell as pistils are turning amber as part of the flowering process ?
  3. brassneck

    Auto afghan kush ryder , 56 days with pics

    ijust kno something not right, they are still stretched and tryin to grow , wen they should b swellin up . i no its to hot so im switching frm 600w dwn to 400w that shud sort my temps out a bit and the reduction of light might speed up the flowering ??
  4. brassneck

    Auto afghan kush ryder , 56 days with pics

    hw can i tell if the pollen has got to the females ? wot changes wud i see ? is it common for autos to go hermie?
  5. brassneck

    Auto afghan kush ryder , 56 days with pics

    well its not to strong now so i dunno wot 2 do .so if i put in dark for a day or two , this turns trichs cloudy/amber ?? and will the potency increase with the colour change ?
  6. brassneck

    Auto afghan kush ryder , 56 days with pics

    im not sure , trichs are still mostly clear even on the ones that have gon over
  7. brassneck

    Auto afghan kush ryder , 56 days with pics

    im not sure , trichs are still mostly clear , even on the stuff thats a few days over ???
  8. brassneck

    Auto afghan kush ryder , 56 days with pics

    so shud i just let it go until looks done and trichs cloudy/amber ? wot if pollen has got to them ?wot shud i b looking out 4 ?
  9. brassneck

    Auto afghan kush ryder , 56 days with pics

    I dryed n smoked a bit of popcorn bud and to be fair its shit . The last afghan kush ryder i did was a nice smoke i just dnt think its ready
  10. brassneck

    Auto afghan kush ryder , 56 days with pics

    Yes it has got hot , wasnt expectin them to go that high there very close nw to the 600w , constant fans but hot although some look close they dnt look to fat , bet theres not even half oz dry . I dnt really no but im guessin got couple weeks left ?
  11. brassneck

    Auto afghan kush ryder , 56 days with pics

    Is there anything i can do to help em out ?? Light cycles feed etc ? Id say theres 2 weeks difference between some of them . Trichs are still mostly clear under 100x mag
  12. brassneck

    Auto afghan kush ryder , 56 days with pics

    This is my 3rd grow , not quite gone to plan but we gettin ther . There now at 56 days from seed ,there all at different stages but think theres a couple close , dont seem to be fatting up much . I planned a lowrdyer style grow but they all went wild , was expecting 400mm-700mm high we are no at...
  13. brassneck

    Bio-Bizz feeding chart?

    i got a bit confused , i have usin bio bizz nutes . i had a chart and instructions on bottle ,then i came across a new bio bizz chart with completely different instructions i used veg then bloom wen flowers started then added topmax afta a week the new chart sugests at 8weeks flower i shud be...
  14. brassneck

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    cheers guys , its my 1st grow . they are called easybud frm royal queen seeds . i had three but some dick told me it was ready it wasnt that was a week ago . i bought a cheap x100 magnifyer to check trichs today and was realy surprised at results think i gona harvest the 1st one soon the 3rd...
  15. brassneck

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    hello all , below are pics of my autoflower at week 8+ . thing is the 1st one doesnt look ready yet , 80% white hairs and hasnt fatted up as much but the trichs are mostly milky/cloudy . the 2nd one looks alot more advanced 80% amber hairs and fat but trichs are 95% clear over last 2 days...
  16. brassneck

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    hello people . im on week 8 of easybud , says on pack 2mnth frm sproutin , i havent got magnifier hairss are 50\50 looks gud . this is 1st grow shud lookin 20-30g aplant dry i reckon . would u say these are close
  17. brassneck

    My 1st grow . Autoflowering

    hello people ,firstly sorry i have not updated had connection probs . im now at week 8 of a 2 month cycle i will post pics , do u think this is done ??? my friend said he thinks it is ? i have no magnifier , the smaller one on right looks a lot more advanced than others should i start to...
  18. brassneck

    My 1st grow . Autoflowering

    elo ther , sorry ive been very busy lately i will update journal later on . they are lookin fat as fxxk
  19. brassneck

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    thanks mate kinda answer i wanted ! think ive been over doing the molasses teaspoon per 2litres every water. i dnt have an accurate PH meter ,the solution i feed i get to within 5-7 but difficult to test run off due to the colour it turns . as im a noob i only used cheap potting soil and added...
  20. brassneck

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    elo all , looking for a bit of advice really . my easybud autos are now at 6weeks, or 42 days seed info says 2 months from sprouting . to be honest ive had a few probs (1st grow) lack of nutes in early stages and maybe bit of an overdose in last couple of weeks . as u will see ive had a...