Auto afghan kush ryder , 56 days with pics


Active Member
This is my 3rd grow , not quite gone to plan but we gettin ther . There now at 56 days from seed ,there all at different stages but think theres a couple close , dont seem to be fatting up much . I planned a lowrdyer style grow but they all went wild , was expecting 400mm-700mm high we are no at 1.2m ... Shit . Started with 24 in a 1m x 1m x 1.8m tent under 600w sunblaster after few probs and few males we now at 14 which r all flowering . Ive done 20/4 all thru , apparently they should be finished in 55 days , there not . They seem to be shooting up again instead of fatting up .
Today i found a big pollen sack and a fair bit of pollen about ?? Will this wreck the crop ??
I will post pics shortly - have a look see wot u think - pictures not the best ill take more soon .
Theyve been fed on bio bizz bloom , topmax and molasses



Active Member
Is there anything i can do to help em out ?? Light cycles feed etc ? Id say theres 2 weeks difference between some of them .
Trichs are still mostly clear under 100x mag


Well-Known Member
If you have the buds trying to stretch I would say you have a heat problem. Check that. You could put the one's that have a week left in the dark for 2-3 days and that will turn them from clear to cloudy/amber.


Active Member
Yes it has got hot , wasnt expectin them to go that high there very close nw to the 600w , constant fans but hot
although some look close they dnt look to fat , bet theres not even half oz dry . I dnt really no but im guessin got couple weeks left ?


Active Member
I dryed n smoked a bit of popcorn bud and to be fair its shit . The last afghan kush ryder i did was a nice smoke i just dnt think its ready


Well-Known Member
I am getting ready to pull 2 Double Diesel Ryders. The buds are swollen 85% and cloudy trichs. I would let her go another 3 days but I am road trippin next week.


Well-Known Member
always better later than earlier ive read countless times. if u can just give it a few days darkness since you will be gone?


Well-Known Member
She is just about ready, I will have to post some pics at harvest. It's not early by no means, it's totally in the window.


Active Member
so shud i just let it go until looks done and trichs cloudy/amber ? wot if pollen has got to them ?wot shud i b looking out 4 ?


New Member
sorry to invade on this thread. nice buds buy the way.

but y do you have to have a 1 day dark period or smthing ??



Active Member
well its not to strong now so i dunno wot 2 do .so if i put in dark for a day or two , this turns trichs cloudy/amber ?? and will the potency increase with the colour change ?


Well-Known Member
When you deprive a flowering plant of light she will mature in haste, so yes your trichs will change color in 2-3 days. I would not go more than 4, but I so know those who push a week.


Active Member
hw can i tell if the pollen has got to the females ? wot changes wud i see ? is it common for autos to go hermie?


Well-Known Member
I have been growing a WOS afghan kush ryder as well, and I am at 50 days. I got about a week left and mine look like yours do. I was told that the buds wont get that big but the smoke is nice.


Well-Known Member
The pistils will turn amber and start to die if pollen has touched them. AS for Auto's I think they are more stable now than ever before.
hw can i tell if the pollen has got to the females ? wot changes wud i see ? is it common for autos to go hermie?


Active Member
ijust kno something not right, they are still stretched and tryin to grow , wen they should b swellin up . i no its to hot so im switching frm 600w dwn to 400w that shud sort my temps out a bit and the reduction of light might speed up the flowering ??