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  1. ztplanter

    Can you help with my time constraints for this years outdoor grow?

    I only really grow outdoors and every year I start early in the year, start the seeds, put the seeds under a 40 watt 2 bulb T5 floor till there about 8inches, move them to a 400Watt hps to sex them, then t take clones and put the clones under the floro until they are ready to go outside...
  2. ztplanter

    Fluorescent T8 - Are these Good Enuff

    are you looking to flower or veg the mothers and how big are they and how many?
  3. ztplanter

    leaves turning purple

    Yeah that looks great and its completely normal, mine started to change awhile ago and i'm getting crazy purple and reds, yours are going to looks great! Where i am at least the summer was cold and rainy so the colors started to come out sooner.
  4. ztplanter

    Almost done? (pics

    thanks that's awesome i'll post pics on harvest
  5. ztplanter

    Almost done? (pics

    I have a pretty sick camera with a mac book n photo shop were i can just zoom in to see high def crystals. I should wait till they start to amber.. Thanks
  6. ztplanter

    Almost done? (pics

    i have a field of blueberry clones, and some area's need more time, but others are starting to look great with tons of crystals but its not that fat yet. How much longer do you think she has, i was going to start flushing at some point next week. Suggestions :leaf:
  7. ztplanter

    Outdoor Problems, PURPLE OR MOLD?! HELP

    Hey guy's the color is coming out amazingly. some area's are the deepest purple i've ever seen, and others are just starting to get blue hues... here are some pictures. How close do you think i am from harvest, its a blue berry strain, crystals are looking good, i'm thinking that i'll start...
  8. ztplanter

    Outdoor Problems, PURPLE OR MOLD?! HELP

    Hey she's looking great, I got one sweet picture today I'll be putting a ton more up in the next week, then i'll start the flushing n harvesting
  9. ztplanter

    How much electricity? This site will help you calculate it.. its pretty handy
  10. ztplanter

    FLOWERING Grey spots all over HELP *PICS*

    Got some safer brand putting it on today i'll keep you updated thanks!
  11. ztplanter

    Stupid little white JERKS!

    Yeah, there mad posts on how to get rid of bugs, i'd check them all out. I personally use either neem oil or Safe brand pesticide. Spray accordingly and your problems should be gone in a week or so and your girls will prosper
  12. ztplanter

    Pot size Fact or Fiction?

    No shit, i had no idea.. Very helpful thread
  13. ztplanter

    FLOWERING Grey spots all over HELP *PICS*

    Anyone? Is it without a doubt bugs? I'm just worried about losing the my girls
  14. ztplanter

    Lets talk about color

    Anyone got any other pictures of some nice colorful buds
  15. ztplanter

    Outdoor Problems, PURPLE OR MOLD?! HELP

    Nice, your seeds might just be used to growing in a much warmer environment hense the blue color.. Should be pretty good.
  16. ztplanter

    Growing in college, good or bad idea?

    Good call my friend, chicks dig the dudes who always got greens, so you needa be able to keep it quiet, i ran into issues nosy girls in the room while i wasn't..
  17. ztplanter

    Help save my plants from imminent death! +rep

    Are the leaf tips curling?? they look to be curling up? i would take a look at the Nutrient Deficiency charts, but its looking like its a Mg deficiency to me.. N what's rep? Most people post to help, not looking for credit here
  18. ztplanter

    Growing in college, good or bad idea?

    Growing in general would put your future in jeopardy, at least if your growing in a place that isn't yours, its not on you. College is expensive, even if your not paying for your tuition its still expensive to live, and i think growing and selling a few bags here and there is better n safer...
  19. ztplanter

    Outdoor Problems, PURPLE OR MOLD?! HELP

    First week? damn, mine are already about four weeks in. I think the color is fine, hopefully they'll be some colorful girls like mine. What strain is it?
  20. ztplanter

    Growing in college, good or bad idea?

    Go for it.. i'm at college and i have a few set ups around the area... You only really needa be around once a week or so, just make sure you trust the kid, cause that's really what's going to matter