FLOWERING Grey spots all over HELP *PICS*


Active Member
I"m about four weeks into flowering and today i noticed spots all over my girls like they have chicken pox. I checked them on monday and they were growing fine. Today I came and the biggest was on the ground, knocked over by a storm last night.

The plant knocked over was the worst with the spots, but they were on in small amounts on almost every plant.

All the plants are blueberry clones. They are about 30 feet away from a pond in an over grown field.

My thoughts are possibly nute burn, but I've been giving her a constant amount of nutes.
My other thought is possibly bud rot because of the environment she's in.

What are your thoughts? Can she be saved? What can be done?


Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
No, what, you've got there is bugs, my guess is, caterpillars. They're causing those large brown spots. The yellowing is caused by the fact that the bugs have eaten the main vein of the leaf, cutting off it's nute supply.

In order to get rid of them go to a plant store, get some good insectecide and spray it on all your plants for 1-2 weeks and after it rains.

When I grow outdoors I use a few tricks against pests: I leave a ridge around the plant, I plant garlic in close vicinity, I scatter ashes around the plant, I paint the first 3-5 inches of the stem white.


Active Member
Thank you, i see lots of crickets that i have to get off.
I was told that you shouldn't spray insecticides on your plant during flowering? Should i avoid top cola's when i spray or does it not matter?

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
Of corse, you shouldn't spray insecticide on buds, just on the leaves.

Some plant stores have natural insecticides, so as to not put your pets in danger in case they chow down on the plants you're growing.


Well-Known Member
alright my plant had a grey blob spot on it, but it looked nothing liek yours does where its little grey spots everywhere, i had jsut one section on my leaf that looks like a drop of grey paint fell on it, the other leaves do not have any signs of the grey on it. im thinking i had high ppms in my hydroponic dwc unit so i switched everything out.