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  1. O

    Info on harvesting....white spots on leaves!!!!!!!

    My other 2 plants were fine....the one with PM was the reading stuff bout lack of circulation....that could be it
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    Info on harvesting....white spots on leaves!!!!!!!

    cool thank you for the info
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    Info on harvesting....white spots on leaves!!!!!!!

    so you think its safe to harvest using solvents but not to smoke?
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    Info on harvesting....white spots on leaves!!!!!!!

    ya its definitely powdery mildew.....although i only see one bud that has all over the leaves though
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    Info on harvesting....white spots on leaves!!!!!!!

    I am curious about harvesting bud with i'm assuming mildew on leaves.....The white spots were on fan leaves and some sugar leaves as well.....I didn't see any mildew on the looks totally different than the bud crystals.....My question is are the buds infected as well? If i don't see...
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    How close am I to harvest?

    ya the purple started coming around the time it started flowering??? whats with that because of colder temperatures?
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    How close am I to harvest?

    Oh, and when i get that scope.....I'm looking for 50 percent milky trichs??? is this correct?
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    How close am I to harvest?

    Cool...thanks for the advice....I got the seeds from a bag of BC pink kush....they are outdoors but not in em in 3 gallon pots....I'm in Toronto so hopefully frost is still a month or so away....I just got concerned because i read there is a window of two weeks where you get higher...
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    How close am I to harvest?

    Hey guys...I know everyone says to check the trichomes with a microscope. But I don't have one at the moment. I will be purchasing one online it is impossible to buy a pocket microscope in canada...(went to like 5 stores annoying)....Basically my question is....By the...
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    Electrician Questions

    how would you tap off the ac disconect? you could potentially run a pony panel off of the disconnect. and then you could have multiple 15 amp circuits to wire up your grow room. Its not the right way but it could potentially work. you need to find out the amperage and voltage running to...
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    Stealth outdoor grow

    you got that thing planted in the ground now? what about nutes, using any?
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    Stealth outdoor grow

    looking nice...couldn't really tell from the photo......have you started flowering yet? I'm just started noticing white pistils a few days ago myself
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    Opinions? How close to flowering?

    sorry they came out upside down....that is fucking do you post them properlly again?
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    Opinions? How close to flowering?

    Hey whats up. I got some more pics if you guys got some advice, great. They are almost 7 weeks old from seed. smallest plant has just shown first pistols. thats first few pics. then my biggest and healthiest i'm still not sure about. I tried to zoom in on nodes...hopefully you guys have...
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    My own creation

    nice plants dude
  16. O

    Opinions? How close to flowering?

    what do you mean alternating node? Its definitely growing new nodes at accelerating rate these days....I also notice I have a set of leaves in round middle of plant height......that are fucking huge....they dwarf the other leafs on the this normal?
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    Opinions? How close to flowering?

    ya buddy sweet close up shot! garden looks sick.....your plants are way bigger than year i will definitely start them sooner
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    Opinions? How close to flowering?

    Plants are just over 4 weeks now from seed...I tried to take close ups of what I think might be pre flowers....The top node below the canopy is where I think I'm seeing them....Could just be another set of leaves though....not really sure.....any thoughts?
  19. O

    Opinions? How close to flowering?

    Nice! Sweet garden...any pics? Sounds like you'll be smoking the blue mataro first before the other strains finish up....You in southern ontario as well i see.....Supposed to be amazing whether the next week for us......pure sunny days.....hopefully thats what my plants need to start showing...
  20. O

    Opinions? How close to flowering?

    Nice little plant.....I"m gonna have to keep an eye on your grow as we have a very similar time frame...My plants just turned 4 weeks old today!....Every morning I check on them and they seem to grow every day.....really interesting (my first grow)........Do you know what type of strain you are...