How close am I to harvest?

Hey guys...I know everyone says to check the trichomes with a microscope. But I don't have one at the moment. I will be purchasing one online it is impossible to buy a pocket microscope in canada...(went to like 5 stores annoying)....Basically my question is....By the looks of my pics how far away from harvest do you think I am?
I planted from seed June 12th outdoor from day one....The plants are small and have grown pretty small buds....This is my first grow, I used no nutes...leaves are yellowing and lower leaves have dried up and fallen off...any advice would be awesome....thanks

image-1.jpg image-2.jpg image-3.jpg image-4.jpg image-5.jpg image-6.jpg image-7.jpg


Well-Known Member
Tough to advise w/o knowing strain:

Which is?.

BTW, nice looking for a no nute in-ground.:peace:


Well-Known Member
You can get a pocket microscope at for 3 US Dollars, depending on your frost issues up north I'd say you can go another 3 weeks outside, you already have trichs visible and they look clearish. Happy growing.


Active Member
2-3 more weeks.. ;)

I say that because of the way it looks.. (and that mid-october is harvest in northern earth.) har har.. I guess you are outdoor, it looks like sunlight on them.


Well-Known Member
I agree with 2-3 weeks, or so. The tips look to be purpling...... nice! I got a couple like that :leaf: I am betting, by the time she finishes, pretty much all the leaves will be mostly purple :weed: I fukin love purple....LOL :hump::eyesmoke:

Lookin' good and bring 'em on home :-P

R2T :peace:
Cool...thanks for the advice....I got the seeds from a bag of BC pink kush....they are outdoors but not in em in 3 gallon pots....I'm in Toronto so hopefully frost is still a month or so away....I just got concerned because i read there is a window of two weeks where you get higher thc....I'll have the pocket scope by next week so I'll be able to check the trichomes by then.....2-3 weeks sounds great....I can't wait......thanks


Active Member
I would say 3-4 weeks.
She has not even started packing weight on yet.
think he can make it into November in Toronto? I live in NorCal and I`ve never felt safe taking anything outdoor and in the ground to Nov. The good news is that he is in pots.. He can always take the plants in at night time, supplement the morning light with a HID or CFL. avoid frost and mold issues with low temps and rain.

Low temps + rain = mold.

OC, I would say not to typically worry about the microscope and 50% milky trichs. Mid-October is your time. ;) You want clear trichs with a couple turning reddish - milky is premature.