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  1. J

    ready or not pic's inc

    I don't know if they're ready, but WOW!, nice plants!
  2. J

    Taking clear pictures 101

    Even on the macro setting the camera may get confused and may not focus on the right part of the plant you want to take a picture of. I think it tries to focus on things in the background as well as foreground and it may still come out blurry. One easy solution is to hold a white piece of...
  3. J

    is this normal ?

    24 hours? or 2 days? I'm not sure that it's necessary to leave it in the dark for more than 12 hours to start flowering. They need light to flower. Put some light on that lady and her fan leaves will shoot right up.
  4. J

    Small Spider Webs

    ^^Thanks man. I'll definitely look into it.
  5. J

    Small Spider Webs

    Well I've got spots on my lower leaves but I think it is happening naturally. They are dying and turning yellow. (I'm talking about the very bottom of the plant here.)
  6. J

    Small Spider Webs

    Well I heard that a little dish soap with water would work, as long as I keep reapplying it after it rains. But like I said, I'm leaving soon for a month, and the plants will be compeltely on their own. It's my first grow, and I'll be happy to get anything out of these ladies.
  7. J

    Small Spider Webs

    I'd post pics but I can't get the camera to focus on the webs because they're so thin. It's strange. I havn't noticed any defects in the plants yet since the webs have been showing up, and it's been almost two weeks. It's like bugs come in different waves. I havn't had a bug problem in a...
  8. J

    Small Spider Webs

    lately I've been noticing a few areas on my plants where there are very small spider's webs bridging across leaves. When I see them I usually just brush off the webs. I don't think they pose a threat to my plant because they are so small and weak looking. Should I just leave them there...
  9. J

    My little lady is sick,any help?

    Mine did that as well, and now that things have really cooled off, they're back to normal.
  10. J

    Flowering time.

    Same here. Last night and the night before were cold as hell. At this rate there's gonna be a foot of snow on the ground when I want to harvest.
  11. J

    Flowering time.

    Thanks for the info. My plants are sativas, so I think that flowering may take a little longer. Hopefully it works out.
  12. J

    Flowering time.

    I live in Maine, and my plants began flowering the last couple days of July. How logn does it usually take the plant to be ready for harvest after it begins flowering? I'm asking because I am going down to college on August 28th (I know they won't be ready by then), and I'm coming back on...
  13. J

    Flowering time.

    I read in another thread that 12/12 should be used to flower indoor plants, and that there are other factors that cause outdoor plants to flower, such as temperature and humidity. If outdoor plants would only flower in 12/12, you'd get bud it freakin December, which doesn't make any sense...
  14. J

    Is it a boy.... or is it a girl?

    I'm not sure how the hairs started out. I honestly couldn't tell much of a difference between the hairs and the new baby leaves forming. I'm not experienced whatsoever so they could have very well started out green. Man it's nice to get replies so fast! This is a busy forum. :hump:
  15. J

    Is it a boy.... or is it a girl?

    So after this point, should I expect to see any changes in the plant soon? Or will it stay in this state for a while? Honestly, I'm suprised these plants even survived. I got them from a friend, and put them in my back yard. They were really weak, I didn't let them adjust to the climate at...
  16. J

    Is it a boy.... or is it a girl?

    Yeah, it may be to early to tell still...
  17. J

    Is it a boy.... or is it a girl?

    Are you serious?! By the way, there are two plants in there, I think the 2nd and 3rd are one plant, and the 1st and last are one plant. Wow, this makes me pretty damn happy!
  18. J

    Is it a boy.... or is it a girl?

    Oops, I guess the pictures automatically get re-sized.
  19. J

    Is it a boy.... or is it a girl?

    Sorry guys, I know these threads are repetative, but I'm a first time grower and I'd really like to know for sure weather these plants are male or female. The pictures are huge, and some of them are not as focused as I would have liked, but I think you can still distinguish most of them. Thank...