Small Spider Webs


Active Member
lately I've been noticing a few areas on my plants where there are very small spider's webs bridging across leaves. When I see them I usually just brush off the webs.

I don't think they pose a threat to my plant because they are so small and weak looking. Should I just leave them there? Will they eat bugs that could potentially hurt my plant? I don't know if the spiders will cause harm to my plant.. They must be very small because I can't find them.

Golden Ray

Well-Known Member
You have spider Mites look it up and act fast. Need Oil or Wal Marts safe gro with Pyrethins It will say safe for tomatoes. These lil basterds will hurt your plant and fast. You must spray every 3-4 days atleast 3 x.


Active Member
I'd post pics but I can't get the camera to focus on the webs because they're so thin.

It's strange. I havn't noticed any defects in the plants yet since the webs have been showing up, and it's been almost two weeks. It's like bugs come in different waves. I havn't had a bug problem in a while because the top 3rd of the plant is fine, but about half way down the plant, there are leaves with holes in them, which are obviously the result of some kind of bug that decided my plant would be a good lunch a month ago.

It's also starting to get pretty cold outside. It's noon now, and it's only 69 degrees with clear skies. I think a lot of the bugs are gone for the year.

I'm hoping for no more bug threats because I'm leaving for college on the 28th of this month. I'm coming back on Ocober 5th until the 10th, and I'm planning on harvesting at that time. It's a gamble but I don't really have any other choice.


Well-Known Member
i'm a newb mate so i dont know but it sound's like spider mite and that shit is bad.listen to golden ray and spray them little bastards.


Active Member
Well I heard that a little dish soap with water would work, as long as I keep reapplying it after it rains. But like I said, I'm leaving soon for a month, and the plants will be compeltely on their own. It's my first grow, and I'll be happy to get anything out of these ladies.


Well-Known Member
google spider mites and check how they look..the lil ones u noticed on ur plants arent them necessarily..i found one on my plant today, absolutely harmless one, shortly afterwards i found a dead fly glued to the resin, that was pretty funny befor u go for overkill check if theres a need to fight at all..


Well-Known Member
You have spider Mites look it up and act fast. Need Oil or Wal Marts safe gro with Pyrethins It will say safe for tomatoes. These lil basterds will hurt your plant and fast. You must spray every 3-4 days atleast 3 x.
Don't be so quick to assume the webbing is a result of spider mites. I've had green jumping spiders in my past grows. They're smart, attentive, and even jump up on your hand and stare at you with the most intensive curiosity. If you don't have spots on your leaves, it is not spider mites.


Active Member
Well I've got spots on my lower leaves but I think it is happening naturally. They are dying and turning yellow. (I'm talking about the very bottom of the plant here.)

Golden Ray

Well-Known Member
lately I've been noticing a few areas on my plants where there are very small spider's webs bridging across leaves. When I see them I usually just brush off the webs.

I don't think they pose a threat to my plant because they are so small and weak looking. Should I just leave them there? Will they eat bugs that could potentially hurt my plant? I don't know if the spiders will cause harm to my plant.. They must be very small because I can't find them.
Justin I did not see that you are a outside grower, if you are a outside grower I doubt it would be spider mites, they can not handle the elements. I would still spray with neem oil, it will not harm plants and it will keep leaf hoppers, etc off.


Well-Known Member
Justin I did not see that you are a outside grower, if you are a outside grower I doubt it would be spider mites, they can not handle the elements. I would still spray with neem oil, it will not harm plants and it will keep leaf hoppers, etc off.
Dude, no offense, but are you kidding me? Spider mites will thrive indoors as well as outdoors. I lost ten plumeria plants to spider mites in a matter of weeks. Took almost six months for them to come out of shock and grow new leaves. Doing well now, and every couple of weeks I release about three thousand lady bugs to control any pests. Fire ants are helping too, climbing up and eating larvae from various pests. Neem oil is the shiznit, if that is too expensive, use insecticidal soap. Remember, peeps, spider mites will attack outdoors, too.


Well-Known Member
bomb the fuckers then use some neem oil then bomb again
Just be careful when you bomb. I wouldn't use any pesticide after about a week of flowering. You don't want to smoke that shiznit. It will linger in the plant for a while, be careful peeps. You don't want cancer.