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  1. M

    plant food?

    I got a couple females around 2 ft on a 18/6 cycle, they arent flowering yet they are a couple months old....what kind of food should I be feeding them? right now im feeding them a blooming food thats 15-30-15 is that to many nutrients?
  2. M

    First grow, bottom leaves with holes?

    Hey guys, So this is my first grow and I have eliminated all the males and I am left with 2 females about 2ft tall. They are on a 18/6 light cycle and the newly growing top leaves look really healthy and green (cameras not here so i cant take pics...)- the problem I am having is the bottom...
  3. M

    growing female plants

    nice, thanks for the help i appreciate it- time to go get lights!
  4. M

    growing female plants

    hmm ok yeah i was thinking the lights werent powerful there another kind of light i can use that might be more common to buy at a store rather then ordering online?
  5. M

    growing female plants

    Hey guys, I have 2 females growing right now about 2 to 3 feet tall, at the top I am starting to see the white hairs but I want them to grow more before they bud...I am using 2 15watt florescent grow lights and one 20watt halogen light on a 18/4 light cycle. If i want it to keep growing should...
  6. M

    2 Female plants, flowering question

    Hey guys, I have 2 female plants about 2ft tall pretty healthy and I have had them on a 12/12 light cycle for the last 5 days or so to start budding. I think i want them to grow more before i bud them, would i change the light cycle again to do that or is it too late?
  7. M

    Trying to distinguish between male and female...can someone help?

    Ah ok now it looks alot clearer, i have 2 females and 1 male...think the females are ruined?
  8. M

    Trying to distinguish between male and female...can someone help?

    damn thats what i was thinking but i just want to make sure...just ripped it and below are the pictures of the 3 I think are females....agree?
  9. M

    Trying to distinguish between male and female...can someone help?

    Hey guys, this is my first time growing and i have a few plants, the tallest one is about 3ft now and is starting to grow some buds- i think. They kind of look like male to me but im not quite sure, uploaded below are a few pictures if someone could help me out- is it just a developing female?