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  1. H


    just for the record, is there ANY way the font color could be changed from blue to maybe white or yellow? Its not very colorblind friendly
  2. H

    My grow idea is coming to life...

    I've got a few females i'm going to try cloning. So far the shotgun approach (plant lots of seeds, then pull males when the appear) has worked out great. got everything wired up today, now working on the ventilation system. with the 6 32watt lights, it's running about 83 degrees
  3. H

    My grow idea is coming to life...

    I'm an avid outdoor grower, but have been wanting a few small crops compared to one large crop a year. My "closet" setup is 4ft tall, 4ft wide, and 2 ft deep and indoors. This is going to be my Veg Room. I'm going to put the Flower Room outside as soon as it cools down (daily temps here are in...
  4. H

    Colorblind and need Help with Plant diagnosis.. ends burnt and curling up...

    she's in the ground. I'll try soaking the ground this evening and seeing what i can do. from what i read the very first step in most treatments is to flush the soil. makes it harder when it's in the ground. I'll have a Ph meter within a day or so, and then I'll know exactly what I'm dealing...
  5. H

    Colorblind and need Help with Plant diagnosis.. ends burnt and curling up...

    I've researched and googled for the past 3 hours trying to figure this out. I'm colorblind and it's really messing with me. here's the pics i took this morning. all older mature leaves have died, and it's working its way up the plant. I THINK its a phosphorous deficiency. 4 days ago it was a...
  6. H

    another louisiana vet here... definitely interested in helping the fight to legalize

    another louisiana vet here... definitely interested in helping the fight to legalize
  7. H

    New to the forum, Veteran Treating PTSD with THC

    Just wanted to say Good morning from Louisiana. New to the forums, and have found a ton of information. I've had several outdoor crops, but I'm wanting to start an indoor setup. I was deployed to Iraq as a Infantryman, and got hit by several IEDS, leaving me with TBI and PTSD, along with my...
  8. H

    Growing In Louisiana

    a problem i had last year was root fungus. killed a 5ft female almost overnight. i agree with the security. don't be real obvious about what your doing and plant it in the garden along side your tomatoes and corn. IF you're going to do it, make yourself rules and strictly obey them. i just...
  9. H

    Growing In Louisiana

    I'm in Louisiana, and last year my crop was done around mid-October. the climate here is great for growing outdoors, you just have to tend to it more. with temperatures in the 110's this summer my crop isn't growing like last year. i harvested 5 plants, they were all over 6 ft tall. remember...