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  1. melmac

    seed breeder experience whats ur opinion?

    Two thumbs up on mandala beans.I have tried several different breeders beans, high price beans and low and for the price of beans mandala can not be beat.I would put their beans up against anyones.If you want a good satava mother you will get it frome their beans.same as a indica mother.
  2. melmac

    What's the biggest mistake Bush made?

    And by the way ... Melmac, don't be making the common error that is frequently made in this forum ... just because a person doesn't march to the tune of Obama and the rest of the fascist/communists/socialists in the Democrat Party, doesn't mean that that person voted for Bush. Vi First im not...
  3. melmac

    lets talk israel

    Okay,let me come into your home with a gun and tell you and your family to get the fu*k out or im going to kill you.....Now what are you going to do?Are you going to tuck your tail and run or are you going to be a man and get your land back.....You must be one of those people who voted bush into...
  4. melmac

    What's the biggest mistake Bush made?

    my mistake.
  5. melmac

    What's the biggest mistake Bush made?

    why? did they poke your wife and she said she was going to leave you for them.
  6. melmac

    What's the biggest mistake Bush made?

    Its not what bush has done its why did the idiots vote him in for another 4 years.How quick people are to blame someone else.If the idiots did not vote him in office again a bunch of the crap would have never all you people who voted him in office,this is on your table.After the first...
  7. melmac

    is it wrong to be a proud white male

    .........................................first B.E.T is owned by a white man.....another thing white men are the owners of all the major t.v channels in really need to learn the facts befor you open your mouth......................its one of the reason why we have...
  8. melmac

    Join the unemployed club here:

  9. melmac

    Join the unemployed club here:

    a stay at home mom is one of the most important job on the planet........and never can be a dead-beat.
  10. melmac

    Join the unemployed club here:

    a stay at home mom is one of the most important job on the planet........and never can be a dead-beat.
  11. melmac

    Why I have an Attitude!!! seeds that is..

    I myself think it is the best time to make a order.With the united states economy,and people losing their jobs,I think the last thing leo is looking for is beans.They are probably over worked and underpaid.Probably short of help with the busy holiday coming up.