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  1. R

    Fast and Short Strain

    Fuck, so shall i go and get a red and blue one?
  2. R

    Fast and Short Strain

    Got 4 20W CFL's? I think they are CFL's. Think that would be enough for one plant?
  3. R

    Fast and Short Strain

    300CM? I am in a PC Tower mate :/
  4. R

    Fast and Short Strain

    Anyone got any reccommendations of what strain I should get if I grow in a PC Case?
  5. R

    RickyTicks First Time for Everything..!

    Thanks for this thread dude I am doing a PC Grow soon, my first grow aswell. Got any recomendations on strains that stay small? Thanks for this info !
  6. R

    Fast and Short Strain

    well what is the shortest?
  7. R

    Fast and Short Strain

    Anyone know a strain which stays below about 70-80CM and can be harvested from seed in about 50 days? Thanks
  8. R

    Fabric Wardrobe Grow

    Hey guys this is going to be my first grow. I will be using a fabric wardrobe which looks like this Specs are 160CM H & 90 W I am looking on growing a short plant. Things I need help with is only what carbon filter and extraction and fan . Would you recommend using a HPS or a few CFL's? I will...
  9. R

    Grow Box

    I am looking on using CFL as it it less space consuming and in a PC Tower or a confined space that is my #1 goal probably going to use a 125W Compact Fluorescent CFL Grow Light / Dual SpectrumProbably going to put in 1 pc fan either side then 1 on the top
  10. R

    Grow Box

    Got that here like needs abit of work doing to it like but could be useful
  11. R

    Grow Box

    Either going to use this method (box) or pc tower but they are so small i'd probably end up moving it into a small box, thanks for your help bro means a lot EDIT: I thought i was going to get hate for asking about a cardboard box lol thabnks
  12. R

    Grow Box

    Ye bro I am low on money and really want to give a go of growing weed dont wanna invest too much incase i find its not for me or something, just want to see if i do it right and get some sort of result then i'd invest. You feel me? Thanks for the help!
  13. R

    Grow Box

    Can I use cardboard as a grow box?