Grow Box


Active Member
Yes I did, but its not going to be practical for long, and you will realize it after a few weeks of messing around with it. I used cardboard for a low watt CFL and 135w ufo LED, wouldn't bother with HPS personally but didn't have any issues with heat, I lined the area around the light with tinfoil to prevent heat buildup on surface of the cardboard around the ufo and cfl.


For hps I'd use a legit tent.


New Member
Ye bro I am low on money and really want to give a go of growing weed dont wanna invest too much incase i find its not for me or something, just want to see if i do it right and get some sort of result then i'd invest. You feel me?
Thanks for the help!
Yes I did, but its not going to be practical for long, and you will realize it after a few weeks of messing around with it. I used cardboard for a low watt CFL and 135w ufo LED, wouldn't bother with HPS personally but didn't have any issues with heat, I lined the area around the light with tinfoil to prevent heat buildup on surface of the cardboard around the ufo and cfl.

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For hps I'd use a legit tent.


Active Member
yea, you'll get what you put into it basically. With this setup in that pic, probably wouldn't yield much 10-30g depending on strain, and even then I think 30g would be little stretch, I never dialed in that type of setup, I had hard enough time using it for vegging seedlings, just was lil annoying so I just use my room and section part off with blankets and tacs., a step up from cardboard box homeless style, but still below tent standards lol.

For decent yields, you'll probably be looking at 100$ air conditioner, 120-150$ for 400w-600w light, soil, fans, nutes, pots, ppm meter, ph meter, ect ect ect. About 500-600$ for minimum stuff I'd say for a synthetic nute grow.

Small note about that pic, the tinfoil isn't used for reflection, its not as good as mylar or white paint on the wall, just used to prevent the heat spots near CFL hanging in, and around ufo, bottom was probably useless, temps stayed around 75-80 in there, cfl n ufo didn't give out much heat, and the ufo vented out its back n sides which were outside the box.

After a day of using it, I cut a hole in it and put a empty toilet paper roll in the back side so the fan sat in front blow in the box, the toilet paper roll sticking out on backside just vented air out into my room, which was fine for the small watt limited lighting; didn't have air conditioner at the time, just window fan.


New Member
Either going to use this method (box) or pc tower but they are so small i'd probably end up moving it into a small box, thanks for your help bro means a lot
EDIT: I thought i was going to get hate for asking about a cardboard box lol thabnks
yea, you'll get what you put into it basically. With this setup in that pic, probably wouldn't yield much 10-30g depending on strain, and even then I think 30g would be little stretch, I never dialed in that type of setup, I had hard enough time using it for vegging seedlings, just was lil annoying so I just use my room and section part of with blankets amd tacs., a step up from cardboard box homeless style, but still below tent standards lol.

For decent yields, you'll probably be looking at 100$ air conditioner, 120-150$ for 400w-600w light, soil, fans, nutes, pots, ppm meter, ph meter, ect ect ect. About 500-600$ for minimum stuff I'd say for a synthetic nute grow.

Small note about that pic, the tinfoil isn't used for reflection, its not as good as mylar or white paint on the wall, just used to prevent the heat spots near CFL hanging in, and around ufo, bottom was probably useless, temps stayed around 75-80 in there, cfl n ufo didn't give out much heat, and the ufo vented out its back n sides which were outside the box.


Well-Known Member
pick yourself up a free dresser off CL or you may have one already. gut it out and there you avatar pic is my first indoor grow when I ran cfl now i run hid. but the dresser box did the trick was pulling 6 ozs with 2 plants.


New Member
Got that here like needs abit of work doing to it like but could be useful
pick yourself up a free dresser off CL or you may have one already. gut it out and there you avatar pic is my first indoor grow when I ran cfl now i run hid. but the dresser box did the trick was pulling 6 ozs with 2 plants.


Active Member
hmm, the indica I have under 150w would def fit in a size box like that, the sativa nother story lol. Little hard on the size perspective, but 3-4ft tall? Probably could fit a well trained indica in there, perhaps a experienced grower could manage better then I could imagine ever doing in a limited space. You know at first I was kinda iffy about a HID in dresser type setup, but that actually with 150 and indica would be actually really good fit at 4 weeks 12/12, stretch not too bad at all.

I would use anything you can sturdy if you got it, just make sure nobody is going to be pissed about the vent holes your gonna make (if you do), just to keep everything kosher. Did you already decide CFL as your lighting choice? Just curious, I wouldn't advise against it for HID considering I'm not experienced in PC/box grows at all, so not really sure how practical my implication of a 150w in a dresser like that would be, don't know would need a decent ventilation I guess. I have seen some impressive CFL pc grows, how much wattage you thinking for your budget anyway?


New Member
I am looking on using CFL as it it less space consuming and in a PC Tower or a confined space that is my #1 goal probably going to use a [h=1]125W Compact Fluorescent CFL Grow Light / Dual Spectrum[/h]Probably going to put in 1 pc fan either side then 1 on the top

hmm, the indica I have under 150w would def fit in a size box like that, the sativa nother story lol. Little hard on the size perspective, but 3-4ft tall? Probably could fit a well trained indica in there, perhaps a experienced grower could manage better then I could imagine ever doing in a limited space. You know at first I was kinda iffy about a HID in dresser type setup, but that actually with 150 and indica would be actually really good fit at 4 weeks 12/12, stretch not too bad at all.

I would use anything you can sturdy if you got it, just make sure nobody is going to be pissed about the vent holes your gonna make (if you do), just to keep everything kosher. Did you already decide CFL as your lighting choice? Just curious, I wouldn't advise against it for HID considering I'm not experienced in PC/box grows at all, so not really sure how practical my implication of a 150w in a dresser like that would be, don't know would need a decent ventilation I guess. I have seen some impressive CFL pc grows, how much wattage you thinking for your budget anyway?