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  1. I

    Help please . Sprouting with cfls

    Thanks for the tip! I have had 100 percent succsess rate so far with germ to sprout, I was just make in sure cuz I haven't sprouted any inside. But in curious to as how many watts seedlings need ?? I'll be doin this cfl . My last grow I did half out door , half indoor with cfl . I veged...
  2. I

    Help please . Sprouting with cfls

    Hey guys im doing my second grow here I germinated I see I planted into soil with warm castings. I have it under one15 W CFL , is this enough wattage to sprout or should I put it under more? Please answer ASAP. It's been planted for twelve hours
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    Exactly day 50 of flower.....looking good?

    A hybrid strain has charistics of indica and sativa. And that's too bad to hear bout the trichomes.... my buds were frosted at day 14 :s guess it matters in the strain
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    Exactly day 50 of flower.....looking good?

    looks pretty good in my opinion tho, do u see an abundance of trichomes?
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    Exactly day 50 of flower.....looking good?

    Looks like a hybrid to me. ! check out last page to seee my progress of my first grow if u want a comparison . theese have been flowerin for 23 days in the pics i took 2 days ago lemme know what you think!
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    What is flushing ?

    anyone ever seen a strain that looks similar to this one?
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    What is flushing ?

    guys how does my baby look? anyone wanna try to help me pin this deficiency??? :( its all organic.
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    What is flushing ?

    I let tap water sit out for 48 hours then water, I do not kno the brand of nutrients I'm using, however I have been using the same nutes in veg and in flowering . I have been using an organic sea weed based nutrient. Not sure the name it came in a big jug , i believe I have a difeency in one...
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    What is flushing ?

    Lol no I have done a bit of research now and I'm 90 percent sure I don't got them . It tells me here that mites are the size of a poppy seed.. Don't see any poppyseed or black specks under the leaves... Unless they are microscopic. Ill check with a glass and will let u kno
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    What is flushing ?

    i completely agree with u. Like if u check my other post u can see them flowering at day 17 . They look 100 percent fine and I've had them spots the whole time. Seen 0 evidence other then that to tell me it's mites, but could be wrong. Idk I feel like it was mites I would've seen some webs by...
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    What is flushing ?

    And can mites be visible to the bare eye? I've inspected closely and can see non. I gotta get a magnifying glass
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    What is flushing ?

    Hey guys sorry to interrupt your convo ;p but if I test positive for mites will this fuck up my kush? I'm 21 days flowered :( lots of trichomes looks beatiful ill be devistated if they get fucked
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    What is flushing ?

    And how can I be sure it's mites
  14. I

    What is flushing ?

    Those have been their from day one . But I've never seen a mite , what do I do ?! Thanks for your help
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    What is flushing ?

    Like this ?
  16. I

    What is flushing ?

    I don't think it's mites, looks more like a deficiency but I could be wrong ill take a close up
  17. I

    What is flushing ?

    Thanks for the debate bout flushing ;p anyone kno why my bottom leaves are changing color? 98 percent of the plant looks healthy except for the color of theese leaves. (If u are wondering, I cut a few blades off a pad leaf because they got burnt)
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    What is flushing ?

    ;) ahahahaha
  19. I

    What is flushing ?

    I used an organic sea weed based remedy for nutrients. Basically flushing is just dousing them in water ?
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    What is flushing ?

    Hey I am flowering my first four girls, I am 20 days into the process . I always see people talking about "flushing" sometimes two weeks before harvest, sometimes a couple days . What is flushing ? Why do some people mention it , others don't , ? When do I "flush" any help is appreciated