Help please . Sprouting with cfls


New Member
Hey guys im doing my second grow here I germinated I see I planted into soil with warm castings. I have it under one15 W CFL , is this enough wattage to sprout or should I put it under more? Please answer ASAP. It's been planted for twelve hours


Active Member
they only need light after breaking the ground man so yes that would be enough light. just make sure its warm enough


Well-Known Member
^ What they said. Also, it can sometimes take a couple days before a planted seed pops up, so be patient.


New Member
Thanks for the tip! I have had 100 percent succsess rate so far with germ to sprout, I was just make in sure cuz I haven't sprouted any inside. But in curious to as how many watts seedlings need ??

I'll be doin this cfl . My last grow I did half out door , half indoor with cfl . I veged outside . It worked well. But that's about for the help glitz


Well-Known Member
Generally speaking, a plant can veg under very few watts, but the recommended minimum for a flowering plant is 100 watts (of the correct spectrum).