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  1. Balke Buds


    Snake head, Mid-Atlantic region, caught at daybreak during a bass tournament. Although these fish are an invasive species they have been demonized throughout the mass media and have been subsequently become feared as a fish that ushers in the Apocalypse. I will say this, they are a top of...
  2. Balke Buds

    Hop Rhizomes

    Keystone light!!! I would rather drink my dogs urine. I have never seen it here in the States but when travelling through Europe I have seen MASSIVE hop farms, awesome sight.
  3. Balke Buds

    Hop Rhizomes

    Growing them on a pergola is a good idea, the plant itself is actually quite pleasing to the eyes, nice leaf and can be dense growing. The aroma is what I like best, man, they smell so good!! i never have been able to figure out why American beer (read Budweiser) companies have dissed "skunky"...
  4. Balke Buds


    Tobacco is very much like grapes/wine. The environmental conditions play a critical role in the final quality, then the cure is as critical. I am an avid cigar smoker, some of the cigars I smoke are cured/fermented for as much as 5-7 years, then aged for another 5 years. Yes, that is a serious...
  5. Balke Buds

    Hop Rhizomes

    I grew hops in Alaska several years ago. Mine grew over 20 feet tall, ran string trellis up to the roof of my 2 story home. The flowers never got vey big, might have been the cooler temps (average high rarely got above 70F) and I think it is moose, they tore it up!!!!! Very easy to...
  6. Balke Buds

    How much light do other non MJ plants need daily.

    Basil is also EXTREMELY easy to clone. I grew 8 basil plants this winter in my aerogarden and a coffee can enough to make some pesto!!!
  7. Balke Buds

    Which foods do you grow indoors?

    There really is no better food than food you grow yourself, be it flora or fauna. I grew up on a farm and miss the quality of food we had. There is also a high level of personal growth tied to the growth and nurturing of other living things through the skill and attention of your own hands and soul.
  8. Balke Buds


    Haha, in the pic thumbnail all you see is the lady....thought the post was going a different direction.
  9. Balke Buds


    Haha, soon as the hook went in I said "just won the tournament!" Best part is that when I released him he hauled ass...he will be there for another day!! Just wish I had a GPS tag to stick in him!!!!!
  10. Balke Buds


    Went out and fished my first bass tournament of the year yesterday, took first place and lunker 7lbs, 22inches.Paid $25 to enter and came home with $250. Good day of fishing!
  11. Balke Buds

    Health Care and Income - What would you pay?

    Gotcha. Anyway, I guess getting sick and just dying in the woods somewhere (for free) is no longer an option. It kills me though (no pun intended) that only the monthly premium is being considered here, the hefty deductible is what is gonna kick my ass because after I pay $650/month (my cost) I...
  12. Balke Buds

    Health Care and Income - What would you pay?

    Racer, two ends of the spectrum...neither good...all powerful, controlling gov / no gov. Utopia is a gov that does what it is suppose to do and ONLY what it is suppose to do....and IT is controlled. Some of us feel this health care law is a push in the wrong direction....feels like the wrong...
  13. Balke Buds


    Just did this last July with the old lady on Chincoteague Island. Cigar, beer, wife, sunset, chicken on a string...paradise.
  14. Balke Buds


    I was looking at pics from last year :) and noticed the date on a 5lb bass I caught...March 10. This frikin storm just moved in and they are calling for 6-10 inches of snow tonight and tomorrow.....there are no words strong enough to describe how much I hate winter. For all you guys eating...
  15. Balke Buds


    Most excellent!
  16. Balke Buds


    Fly fishing or years...great hobby. Picked up bass fishing a few years ago, fished tournaments last year...did alright. These pics are a sample from last summer...can't frikin wait to get back out!!! Winter sucks.
  17. Balke Buds

    Which foods do you grow indoors?

    Got the system fired up....gonna see how this works out. If any one has input on any of the aspects I would love to hear it.
  18. Balke Buds

    JohnDoeOntarios Custom Grow From Start

    Yo, John Doe...nice looking setup. They make those peel and stick lenolium squares for the floor....looks like maybe you had them originally...just a cheap option/thought. So, how the heck did you figure out how to post the pics so they are not sideways? :(
  19. Balke Buds

    JrPonics For Adults

    I was showing and explaining my ebb and flow garden to my daughter today and she got all excited and told me she was watching some vids about "this garden system that uses fish and...." I just started laughing.....raised that girl proper!
  20. Balke Buds

    JrPonics For Adults
